Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Running My webMethods Server from the Command Line : Creating a New Server Instance
Creating a New Server Instance
You can run multiple instances of My webMethods Server on the same machine, but each server instance must have its own external resources. For more information, see Guidelines for Multiple My webMethods Server Instances.
When you start a new instance of My webMethods Server the first time, it takes about five minutes to initialize. The server then shuts down automatically.
Use the following command-line syntax to create an instance of My webMethods Server on the current machine.
To create an instance of My webMethods Server from the command line
1. If you have not already done so, use the Database Component Configurator to create a unique database or tablespace for this server instance, as described in Installing Software AG Products. This step is not required if the server is using the embedded database.
2. At a command line prompt, type the following command to move to the server’s bin directory:
cd Software AG_directory\MWS\bin
3. Type the following command:
mws new [-Dparameter=value...]
where parameter is any of the following:
Name of the server instance. The name must be unique among server instances on the machine. If you do not specify a custom name, the name of the server instance is default.
Port number on which the server instance listens. The port number must be unique among server instances on the machine. The default port number is 8585.
Optional. Specifies whether to install a new My webMethods Server instance as an application or a service. The choices are:
*true - install as a service.
*false - install as an application. This is the default value.
Required for all databases except the embedded database. The type of database used by the server instance. The choices are:
Microsoft SQL Server
Required for all databases except the embedded database. Database connection URL, based on the type of database and the driver.
Required for all databases except the embedded database. User name assigned to the My webMethods Server database.
Required for all databases except the embedded database. Password of the My webMethods Server database user.
Optional. The HTTPS listener port. A value of 0 disables the listener.
Optional. The Java debug port. The default port number is 10033.
Optional. The proxy host name.
Optional. The proxy port number.
Optional. The proxy user name.
Optional. The proxy password.
Optional. Bypass proxy hosts. Separate the entries omitting any spaces and using a vertical bar(| symbol).
The set of component features configured with the server instance: The choices are:
The minimum set of features needed to support development of JSR 168 portlets using Software AG Designer. This is a pure runtime, with a single skin and shell, and no administration or configuration features.
The standard set of My webMethods Server features, but without extras or development tools found in the MWS/components folder. This is the default value.
The default My webMethods Server taxonomy with all installed My webMethods Server user interfaces.
The standard set of features plus all components found in the MWS/components folder.
The command creates the instance of My webMethods Server based on the input parameters you have provided.
4. At the same command prompt, initialize the server instance using the following command:
mws -s serverName init
Use the -s serverName option if this is not the default server instance, or you specified a custom name for the default instance during installation. After the database is initialized, the server automatically stops.
5. Start My webMethods Server.
Example with an external database:
Server name: test
HTTP port: 8090
Database server (SQL Server): db_server
Database name: my_wm_msql
Database user name: mws_user
Database password: password
> mws new -Dhttp.port=8090
-Ddb.type=ms -Ddb.url=jdbc:wm:sqlserver://db_server:1433;
-Ddb.username=mws_user -Ddb.password=password
[Configuration output displayed in console window....]
> mws -s test run
Same example, but with the embedded database:
> mws new -Dhttp.port=8090
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