Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Working with Metadata : Audit Logs : Viewing Metadata Audit Logs
Viewing Metadata Audit Logs
Metadata audit logs track changes within a specific OneData module, including changes to data objects, system objects, remote snapshots, and metadata objects. For information about configuring a metadata audit log, see Configuring Metadata Audit Properties.
The Metadata Audit Log screen displays a sortable list of the details about the log file, but not the log itself. To access the log, seeViewing Metadata Audit Logs. The details screen includes a summary of the type of action performed on an object.
For more information about object types, see Implementing webMethods OneData.
To view the metadata audit log
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > Logs > Metadata Audit.
2. Define the filter for the logs you want to display:
The filter is an and filter. If multiple criteria are selected in the filter, OneData searches for logs that meet all of the criteria specified. For example, if a date range and object are specified, the filter returns the logs that match both the criteria for the type of action (statement type).
a. Specify the date range that corresponds to the logs you want to view. Select FROM and TO dates to filter between certain dates.
b. In Object Types, select the types of object to include in the results. Select more than one object by pressing the Control key while clicking the object.
c. In Objects, select the logs for one or more objects. To select multiple objects, press the Control key and click the objects to include. You must select at least one object. Click Populate Objects.
To generate the most comprehensive report click Set All Values for users and Show all objects for objects in the filter criteria.
d. In Users, click the Select Values icon and select the users to include in the filter. Click Set Values to include the users in the log. You can also filter the required user name(s) by entering the filter criteria and clicking the Search Value icon or by pressing the Enter key.
e. In Module Name, select one or more modules.
3. Click Next.
4. Use the arrows above the columns to scroll through the results. Click the column heading to change the sort order.
*To export the results to Excel, click Export to Excel. Save the file or open the file directly in Excel.
*To apply a different filter, click Change Filter.
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