Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Working with Metadata : Configuring Metadata Audit Properties
Configuring Metadata Audit Properties
You can configure OneData to collect audit data on metadata, define the types of metadata audited, define when data in the Temp and Export folders is purged, and define archive properties. For every module in which metadata is collected, OneData writes an entry in a metadata audit log when an update is made.
OneData stores archives as XML files. When you want to restore an archive, OneData automatically populates the Archive Files field with the files from the archive history.
To configure metadata audit properties
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > System > System Properties.
2. Click the Metadata Audit Configuration tab.
3. Define the metadata audit properties for each module:
a. Select Enable Audit? to collect metadata when a user makes changes in the module:
*Define Objects. Changes to OneData objects.
*Security. Changes to security configurations.
*DDL. DDL imports or executions.
*Job SQL Log. Record level logs during job execution.
*Data Audit Log. Changes made at the data manager (values) level.
*Usage Audit. Usage events of users not related to projects. For example, logging in and out of OneData. This is the only module which OneData does not maintain within the context of a project. Therefore, any archive or purge action affects all usage audit data that meets the specified filter conditions.
b. For each selected module:
Older Than (in days)
Enter the age of logs (from the date of creation) to archive or purge. OneData selects any log whose age is greater than the value specified here to archive or purge. For OneData to consider this field, the value must be greater than zero.
From Date
To Date
Define the required date range. OneData archives or purges only the logs created during the specified date range.
Select the action to perform on the logs that fulfil the log age or date range conditions:
*Archive Only
*Archive & Purge
*Purge Only
If you have specified both Older Than (in days) and From Date- To Date, OneData only considers the date range.
Current Statistics
If required, click to view the total number of logs in the Work and Release areas corresponding module along with the date range of the available logs.
c. Click Save.
Use Execute to manually execute the archive and purge Action selected for the modules. You can execute the archive and purge action before or after saving the new metadata properties.
You can also use Clear to clear the specified date ranges for all modules.
4. Under Purge Folders, do the following for the Temp and Export folders:
a. In Older Than (in days), enter the age of logs (from the date of creation) to purge.
OneData selects any log whose age is greater than the value specified here to archive or purge. For OneData to consider this field, the value must be greater than zero.
b. Do one of the following:
*Click Purge to manually execute purge audit logs in the Temp or Export folder.
*Click Save to save the properties for future use when manually executing purges on the Temp and Export folders or for scheduled purge jobs to use.
5. Manage Archive Files:
a. In Module, select the required module.
b. In File, select the required XML log file.
c. Do one of the following:
Action to Perform on Logs
Restore the archived log file.
Download the archived log file
Delete the archived log file permanently.
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