Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Exporting Data from OneData Objects : Creating Export Jobs : Creating a File Generation by Timestamp Export Job
Creating a File Generation by Timestamp Export Job
A File Generation by Timestamp job allows you to generate a delimited or XML file for each job step. The job exports undeleted rows from an object. The object hierarchy is not maintained.
To write the output file to an FTP location, you must first define the FTP connection. For more information about configuring FTP locations, see Administering webMethods OneData.
To create a file generation by timestamp job
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Data Interchange > Manage Export Job.
OneData displays the existing jobs.
2. Click Add a Job and complete the File Generation by Timestamp export job fields:
Enter a name for the job.
Enter a description of the job.
Job Type
Select File Generation by Timestamp Job.
Export Type
Default is selected by default. Select an export type for the job:
*Default: Identifies full load and incremental load.
*Resynchronize: Synchronizes the target database based on the OneData database.
*Delete and Reinsert: Deletes and re-inserts a record if it already exists in the target database.
Select the notification option. For information about notification options, see Job Notification Options.
Notification Recipients
Click the Select A Value icon to select the users or user groups to receive notifications. To search on a user or user group, enter the name in the search criteria field and click the Search Value icon or press Enter.
To clear the values, click the Clear Value icon.
Export data for all job steps...
from this date
till this date
Enter a date range to limit the records exported. For information about date fields in export jobs, see Job Date Ranges.
Execution Options
Select the Rollback on Failure to roll back all changes in the remote database when the job fails.
Log Exports
Select whether OneData creates a log of the export job. For information about the logging options, see Job Log Options.
3. Define the XML output format job properties.
XML output format
Define the XML format. For information about the XML formatting options, see Export Formats.
XSL Definition
Specify the XSL definition to apply XSL transformation.
Output for columns with zero-length values
Define how OneData handles empty columns in the XML output. For information about the options, see Export Formats.
4. Choose whether to write the XML to a file or a messaging object.
If you choose…
Complete these fields…
Write to file
*File Name (Optional): Enter a file name. OneData overwrites the file every time the job runs. If you omit a file name, OneData generates the file name and creates a new file every time the job runs.
*Email Recipient(s): Enter the email addresses to receive the output file. Separate multiple emails with a comma.
*FTP Destination: Select a FTP destination. The job writes the output file to the selected FTP destination.
Write to JMS Messaging Object
*Destination Messaging Object: Select a messaging object. The job sends the output to the selected messaging object.
*Header Information Option: Specify the information to include in the message output:
*Exclude: Excludes the job execution information from the JMS message.
*Include in message body: Includes the job execution information in the JMS message body.
*Include in message header: Includes the job execution information in the JMS message header.
For more information about messaging objects, see Administering webMethods OneData.
5. Click Save.
6. Create job steps to specify the data that is included in the export job. For information about creating a job step, see Adding Job Steps.
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