Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Exporting Data from OneData Objects : Adding Job Steps
Adding Job Steps
Adding Job Steps in a Conceptual Object Export Jobs
Adding Job Steps in Database Update Export Jobs
Adding Job Steps in File Generation Export Jobs
All jobs require at least one job step to be executable. Job steps are reusable and, once defined, can be copied to multiple jobs. Some jobs can have multiple job steps, for example, a Database Update job.
Data is sorted using hierarchical order.
To create a job step for Conceptual Object, File Generation, and Database Update jobs, complete the following procedure and then see the section relevant to your export job type.
To add a job step to a job
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Data Interchange > Manage Export Job.
OneData displays the existing jobs.
2. Select the job in which to add a job step.
3. In Manage Job Steps, click Add.
4. Create a new job step or copy an existing job step:
*To create a new job step, select New Job Step and click Next.
*To use an existing job, select Use Existing Job Step and click Next. In Existing Job Steps, select the existing job step to modify. OneData only displays job steps for job steps of the same job type.
5. Select the data to include in the export job.
a. Select the tables and columns to include in the export job.
In the field or pane...
Do the following...
Available Objects
Select the objects to include in the export and use the arrows to move the columns to the Selected Objects pane. Click Next.
If you select multiple objects, OneData performs an inner join between the selected objects.
Select table for retrieving audit information
Select a table to use as the source of audit data.
Available Columns
a. Select the columns to include and use the arrows to move the columns to the Selected Columns pane.
b. Use the up and down arrows to change the order in which the columns display.
Select to skip the Sort and Filter screens. Click Next.
b. Select the columns to use in the sort and the sort order.
In the field or pane...
Do the following...
Available Columns
a. Select the columns to use in the sort and use the arrows to move the columns to the Selected Columns pane.
b. Use the arrows to adjust the sort order of the columns.
c. Click Next.
6. Define a filter for the job using the filter commands described in the following table. To build multiple conditions, add additional filters after creating each SQL statement, repeating until the filter is complete. When the filter is complete, click Next.
Select the object to use in the filter.
Available Columns
Double click the column for which you want to create a condition.
Displays the column selected for a condition.
Select the operator to evaluate data.
Enter a value or click Get list of values to select a value.
Add into Filter
Click any of the following options to add SQL to the filter:
*Add condition: Builds an SQL statement using the selected column, operator, and value.
*Add an AND: Inserts an AND condition.
*Add an OR: Inserts an OR condition.
*Add a (: Adds a beginning parenthesis to the filter.
*Add a ): Adds an end parenthesis to the filter.
Enter the SQL into the filter.
7. Define the Job Step Definition properties:
Job Step Name
Enter a name for the job step.
Enter a description of the job step (optional).
Include Logically Deleted Records
Indicates whether to include records that were logically deleted. These records are hidden in the user interface, but exist in the database.
Select the type of update mode:
*Full Update. The job extracts the entire table every time the job executes.
*Incremental Update. In the first execution, the job extracts the entire table. In subsequent runs, the job extracts only the changes made since the last time the job executed successfully.
Export data for all job steps...
from this date
till this date
Enter a date range to limit the records exported. For information about date fields in export jobs, see Job Date Ranges.
8. Complete the remaining fields for the type of export job you are creating:
*For Conceptual Object export jobs, see Creating Conceptual Object Export Jobs.
*For Database Update jobs, see Adding Job Steps in Database Update Export Jobs.
*For File Generation jobs, see Adding Job Steps in File Generation Export Jobs.
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