Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Objects in OneData : OneData Objects : Supertype Subtype Structures
Supertype Subtype Structures
Multi-Select Structure and Linkages
Hierarchies in OneData
You can set up supertype subtype constructs within simple data objects or conceptual objects (tree or advanced parent-child view). Although both configurations work, conceptual objects work best for a supertype subtype construct.
Objects with common values is set up as supertypes, and objects with unique values are set up as subtypes. For example, consider the following objects:
*Employee Types (contains the types of employee along with their type IDs. That is, it has as many entries as the number of subtype objects. Whenever a new subtype object is added make an entry in this object too.)
*Employee (supertype).
*Managers (subtype).
*Developers (subtype).
You need to define the subtype column value in the foreign key relationship from subtype to supertype. For a manager/developer type, IDs (as given in Employee_Type) should be given as the subtype column values in the respective foreign key relationships.
You can access Employee to insert an employee's information. In Employee, you have the option to select the employee type (Manager or Developer- FK to Employee_Type). If you select Dev, all the attributes of the Employee and Developer objects are shown. Similarly, when you select Mgr, all the Employee and Manager related attributes are shown. You need to access only the supertype object to update the subtype objects.
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