Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Objects in OneData : OneData Objects
OneData Objects
Object Subtypes in OneData
Object Configurations in OneData
Conceptual Objects
Temporal Objects
Supertype Subtype Structures
Managing Hierarchies
Versioned Hierarchy
In OneData, data tables and views are represented by objects. You can define and edit objects to manage data and metadata. OneData objects have physical attributes and constraints to ensure data integrity. OneData has the following types of objects:
*Definition Object. A logical entity that contains a definition, without any data. Like data objects, definition objects can have additional metadata attributes associated with them.
*Data Object. A physical object that has associated records.
*Conceptual Object. A logical representation of related physical data objects. Conceptual objects visually display the relationship between data objects in a hierarchy. One object is defined as the top-level (or root) object. All objects that constitute the conceptual object are either related to the top-level object or to another child object. You can manage each object individually.
*Complex View. A logical grouping of attributes used for gathering information from authorized change requesters. This allows users to obtain relevant information about new requests without the requester seeing the internal details on how the relationships are configured. The benefit of complex views is that they provide a data entry view for the requestor with all the lookups and constraints in place.
*Logical Object. A logical object that is used for data model harmonization. That is, you can link a logical object to various data objects. The link creates a report to show how the tables are correlated. You must have a license for MDR to access this object type.
*Remote Object. Object hosted in an external application but managed within OneData. OneData provides the presentation layer with the embedded security, workflow and distribution capabilities to manage an entity external to the central repository. OneData provides support for using remote objects as reference tables from local data objects. You can also import a view from a remote system as a data object in OneData.
*Remote Snapshot. Object that is a copy of an externally located object. These objects are in read-only mode.
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