Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Objects in OneData : Creating A Supertype Subtype Structure
Creating A Supertype Subtype Structure
In a supertype subtype structure, you must have:
*The data objects that contain unique values (subtypes),
*A data object that holds the values common to the subtypes (supertype), and
*A data object that holds the mapping between subtypes and supertypes.
For more information about the supertype/subtype structure, see Supertype Subtype Structures. The following task describes how to configure a subtype and a supertype, and also the entire structure.
You must create the data objects required (listed above) for the supertype/subtype structure before you proceed with the steps below.
To create a supertype/subtype structure
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Objects and navigate to the folder that contains the subtypes and supertype data objects.
2. Set up the supertype indicator column as described below:
a. Select the supertype object.
b. Click Structure tab.
c. Click the edit icon of the column that will be the foreign key to the mapping object.
d. Select the Column Qualifier as Supertype Indicator.
e. Click Save.
3. Set up a foreign key from the supertype object to the mapping object:
a. Select the supertype object.
b. Click Structure tab.
c. Click Edit Constraints and click Add new Foreign Key constraint.
d. Select the Related Table Name as the physical table of the mapping object and select the Related Column Description.
e. Choose the supertype column (created in previous step) to map to the primary key of mapping object.
f. Click Save.
4. Set up foreign key from subtype objects to supertype object. Repeat the below steps for all the subtype objects.
a. Select the subtype object.
b. Click Structure tab
c. Click Edit Constraints and click Add new Foreign Key constraint.
d. Select the values for the fields as shown below. Complete other fields as required.
*Related Table Name: Physical table of the supertype object
*Related Column Description: Required description.
*Subtype Column: Column in supertype object which is the foreign key to mapping object.
*Subtype Column Value: ID given in the mapping object corresponding to this subtype object.
*Choose the primary key of subtype objects to build the foreign key.
5. Click Save.
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