Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Objects in OneData : Creating A Data Object : Creating Data Objects Manually
Creating Data Objects Manually
You can create objects manually in OneData in which a DDL (Data Definition Language) is generated in the external system and executed in the data repository.
To create an object manually
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Objects.
2. Select a folder in which you want to create the object.
You can move the object to another folder after you create it.
3. Click Add Object and complete the fields. For more information about the fields, see the table in Object Definition Properties.
4. Save the object level settings.
5. Click the Structure tab and then click Add Column. Complete the fields to add a column to the object structure.
For more details about the column definition properties, see the table in Column Definition Properties.
You must add at least one column if you are creating a data object.
6. Save the settings and repeat the previous step until you have created all the columns needed.
7. Click Create Table.
8. Define the primary key for the table using the navigation arrows. Enter the values for the following fields.
If you are using SQL Server:
*Before creating a primary key, you must select the option Required (Database)? for the column that you want to use as primary key.
*You cannot select a timestamp column for the primary key.
Constraint Name *
Enter a name for the constraint.
Customized Error Message
Enter a message to be displayed when the constraint is violated during data maintenance.
Available Columns
Columns in the object that can be used as the primary key constraint.
You can create a multi-part primary key by selecting the required columns from the available list.
Selected Columns *
Column(s) selected as the primary key constraint.
9. Click Save.
Click the Go To Data Manager shortcut on the Command toolbar to create new records for the object.
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