Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Objects in OneData : Creating A Data Object
Creating A Data Object
Creating Data Objects Manually
Creating Data Objects Using Update Schema
Creating Data Objects From Remote Table
Copying An Object
Creating An Object By Importing Model From ARIS AML
OneData XML And ARIS AML Mapping
You can create a data object in OneData using various methods listed below.
You can create an object...
You directly create an object and its corresponding physical table in the data repository.
Using DDL Script
You can create an object from a table defined in the staging schema. If the table does not exist, you can run the DDL in the external system using OneData to create the table and create an object for it.
From Remote Database
You can create an object from a table in a remote database.
By copying an object
You can duplicate an object by creating a copy of an existing object.
By importing model from ARIS
You can create an object from the model information specified in an XML file.
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