Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Working with Administered Items : Deleting Administered Items
Deleting Administered Items
Deleting an Administered Item
Users with the security privileges can delete existing administered items. Administered items that are deleted are logically deleted from the Registry. The item and associated information remain in the database.
To delete an administered item, the following conditions must be met:
*The administered item cannot be referenced by any other un-deleted administered item. For example, a data element concept that is assigned to a data element cannot be deleted while still assigned (otherwise, deletion would cause referential integrity problems).
*The administered item must be in a registration status that allows deletion. This is controlled using the 3rd position Status Mask attribute on the Registration Status. If the 3rd position on the mask is set to 1 for a Registration Status, the administered item can be deleted if it is in that Registration Status. For more information, see, Status Mask and Rules.
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