Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Working with Administered Items : Importing Administered Items : Import Mapping : Predefined Mappings : Importing Administered Items using Predefined Import Mappings
Importing Administered Items using Predefined Import Mappings
Use the following procedure to import a file with a list of Object Classes linked to default Contexts. To complete this procedure, you must have a comma-delimited file that contains object class and context names.
To import administered items using predefined import mappings
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Administered Items > Import Administered Items.
2. On the Import Data screen, click Browse to select the file to be imported. Once the file is selected, define the following attributes that are needed for the import. Click Next.
Only delimited files are currently supported in OneData-MDR.
3. Select Delimiter or specify one in the corresponding delimiter field.
a. Select Import Type as Administered Item.
b. Specify a Text qualifier if any text in the import file contains qualifying characters (for example, quotes "").
c. In Header row present at line, specify the row number if there is a header row with captions.
d. In Start import at row, specify the row number where the import process should begin.
e. In Import logs specify whether to write logs to the screen and/or written to a file.
4. On the mapping screen, select the attribute Object Class Name and Context Name from the list. Select Import Data and add new profile to create a new Import Profile that saves the mapping for future use. Click Import.
OneData displays the log of administered items. You can download the log file by selecting the arrow corresponding to Download log file. Open or save the file.
5. Navigate to the Administered Items entity.
6. On the Filter tab, in Item Type, select object class and click Next.
OneData displays the values from the import file.
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