Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Configuring Security : OneData User Security : Managing User Accounts : Creating New User Accounts
Creating New User Accounts
You can create a new user account using a blank form or clone an existing user account to create a similar user account. The cloned user behaves exactly as the original user with the same roles. You can further customize the roles for the cloned user.
The number of users that display per page is determined by the property, Number Of Rows on the top right of the screen. For more information about personalizing menus, see webMethods OneData User’s Guide.
To create a new user account
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Administer > Security > Users.
2. Do one of the following to create a new user:
*To create a new user from a blank form, click Add New User.
*To create a new user using an existing user account as a template, click the Clone icon corresponding to the user account that you want to emulate.
3. Complete the user account properties. For information about the user account properties, see the table, User Account Properties. Required fields are prefixed with a star (*).
4. Click Save.
5. Assign the user to a user role. For information about creating user roles, see Managing Roles. For information about assigning the user to a role, see Editing User Accounts.
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