Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Administering webMethods OneData : Configuring Security : OneData User Security
OneData User Security
Logging in to OneData
Managing User Accounts
Assigning Backup Users
Assigning Supervisors
Setting Up the Anonymous User Account
Managing Locked and Inactive Accounts
In OneData, you can control the security settings to limit the functions that users can perform and access to folders, objects, pages, and connections. Object-level security controls the user’s access to records and columns. Page-level security controls the pages that users (and user groups) are authorized to access. For more information about configuring page-level security, see Row Filters. Object-level security can be set with row filters. For more information about row filters, see Row Filters.
User security is controlled through user roles. User roles define a collection of security privileges for a type of user, such as an end user, system administrator, or database administrator. OneData includes three standard predefined roles, ADMIN, SYSTEM, and READ-ONLY.
*ADMIN. Reserved for application administrators, this role grants access to all objects and functions within OneData. This user role has superuser privileges for functions, folders, data objects, and row filters. This role cannot be edited.
*SYSTEM. Reserved for system administrators, this role grants users access to OneData functionality required to perform system configuration tasks such as changing system parameters and security configuration. This role cannot be edited.
*READ-ONLY. Configured during installation, this role grants read only privileges to all objects and folders. This role can be edited to remove objects and folders to restrict privileges.
User accounts are not assigned privileges directly, but are accorded privileges through the user role to which they are assigned. This simplifies user account management so that you can define the privileges once and add them to all relevant users. The role determines which actions the user can perform for create, read, update, delete, purge, and restore actions. User accounts can be assigned to more than one role.
Users can also be assigned a row filter, which restricts row-level privileges for specific data values in objects. Any row filter privileges set at the user-level override row filter privileges set at the role level.
Security settings can be configured by users with administrator privileges, including cloning predefined roles. For more information about user roles, see Managing Roles.
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