Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Change Request : Requesting a Change
Requesting a Change
Changes to object values can be linked from the change request to the object and from the object to the change request.
To request a change in an object, the object must have the change request property enabled in its object definition. For more information about enabling change requests, see Enforcing Change Requests for an Object.
To create a change request
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Collaborate > Request Change and complete the following Create Change Request fields:
Enter a summary about the change request.
Associated Object
Select associated object. You cannot change the associated object after saving the details.
Associated Column
Select associated column in the selected object.
2. Click Next.
3. Complete the fields in the Change Request Header section.
Change Request Number
Unique ID of the change request. OneData automatically generates the number when you create a change request.
Summary of the change request.
Status of the change request. The initial status of a change request is Unassigned. For information about change request statuses, see Change Request Statuses.
User who created the change request.
Assigned To
User assigned to handle the change request. By default, OneData assigns the change request to the object owner, if only the Associated Object is selected, or the column owner, if the Associated Column is specified.
You can assign the change request to a different OneData user by clicking the Select A Value icon. Select the user name to assign to the change request.
If an object or column is not selected, the request can be automatically assigned to any OneData user or to the administrator without having to use the Update Request link.
Add Row Details
Click to enter suggested values in the associated columns with the selected object. Add Row Details displays beside the Associated Object name, if one was selected.
Close Request on Completed Status
Sets the status of a request to Closed as soon as it transitions to Completed status. This property is only relevant for requests that have workflow transactions attached to the; other requests does not transition to Completed status.
4. Complete the fields in the Discussion Thread section.
Use to add a message to the thread or suggest changes to a row.
Add/Delete Attachments
Use to add or remove attachments to the change request.
Attachments are controlled by system properties for file size, the maximum number of attachments per discussion message, and the allowed file type. For information about system properties, see Administering webMethods OneData.
Addressed To
Used to copy another OneData user on the discussion thread for this change request. To select a user, click the Select A Value icon and select the user.
When creating the change request, you can assign the request only to the owner of the object or column, if the object or column was specified while providing the change request details.
Read-only. System generated.
Added By
User who posted the thread message.
Date and time that the message was posted in the thread.
Use to post the message in the thread or send the message to the addressee. Use Reply to # if you want to reply to a specific post in the discussion thread.
5. Click Update Request to post to the thread or create the change request.
On clicking Update Request, the discussion thread populates the message entered in the text box. In case of associated object/column, the values entered in the Add Row Details display in the discussion thread.
To print the request details, click Printable Version to display a print preview and click Print Page to print the details.
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