Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Change Request : Change Requests : Using the Change Request Inbox : Change Request Statuses
Change Request Statuses
Every change request is assigned a status. By default, a change request remains in the initiator’s inbox until the change request status changes to Closed. You can change the status option to Close Request on Completed Status property when creating or responding to a change request.
The following table lists the statuses through which a change request transitions.
Default status when the change request is created.
The change request has been assigned to a user.
Data Entered
The assigned user has made the requested change.
The change request and all related workflow transactions have been completed, including approvals and rejections.
A request that does not have workflow transactions will not attain Completed status.
The change request is closed. This status follows a Completed request, either automatically if Close Request on Completed Status is set or by manually selecting a Closed status. Closed requests cannot be reopened. Either the change request initiator or the assigned user can close a request for a change request in Unassigned, Assigned, or Completed status at any time.
You must explicitly close a request without workflow transactions.
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