Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Change Request : Change Requests
Change Requests
Using the Change Request Inbox
In OneData, you can request that data be changed in an object if you do not have the privileges to edit it yourself. OneData submits the change request to the data owner, application administrator, or other user authorized.
Change requests are similar conceptually to a help desk ticket or a service request, but have features specific to data management. A change request can be generic or object-specific. This distinction is based on whether the change request contains an object and/or column name. If the request contains an object or column, OneData creates a object-specific request. Otherwise, OneData creates a generic request. Change requests can be generated in both the Work area or Release area.
For object-specific requests, OneData assigns the selected object/column to the object owner, by default. You can change the assignment to any other user before updating the change request. After updating a change request, you can only address the request to another user and cannot change the assignment. An assigned user can make changes to the change request in terms of re-assigning to another user or changing the subject.
In a generic request, you can enter details of the requested change in discussion messages within the request. The members of a request can use the discussion thread associated to a change request for communication purpose such as to elaborate on the request, ask questions, provide answers or explain the approval/rejection decision. You can post messages in the thread addressing to a specific user or to no user in particular. In the first case, the addressed user has the option to reply to this message when viewing the request. The addressed user can only post messages in the discussion thread.
If the data change has a workflow rule associated with it, the change routes through all the designated approvers specified in the workflow rule before it migrates to the release area. If there is no workflow rule associated with a data change in an object, the change that the assigned user makes in the work area reflects immediately in release area.
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