Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData User’s Guide : Advanced Object Properties : Using OneData Object Hyperlinks
Using OneData Object Hyperlinks
Verifying the Column Definition
Linking Data to an Object
Linking Data to a Record in Another Object
Linking Data to a Website
Sending Data to an Email Recipient
OneData provides a hyperlink feature so that you can create links directly in one object to another object, record, or a website. Hyperlinks are a useful way to point users to data in a related table.
The hyperlink points to data in another object, but does not populate the data in the linked column. It is not a foreign key relationship.
You can create a hyperlink in any column that is a defined as the data type VARCHAR, with the column qualifier Parse Data Indicator. The following table provides the syntax and the corresponding type of link.
Links to a data or conceptual object.
Links to a record or records that match a specified value in a data or conceptual object.
Links to a website or secure website.
Links data entered in an object to an email client. This only works if you have configured an email client.
OneData tags are case sensitive, but object names are not. The object name can be either the physical name of the object or the display name. OneData looks up of the object the following order:
*logical names of conceptual objects
*logical names of data objects
*physical table names
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