Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData User’s Guide : Advanced Object Properties : Using OneData Object Hyperlinks : Sending Data to an Email Recipient
Sending Data to an Email Recipient
You can use the MAILTO command to add a link to an email recipient within a record. The link automatically opens the configured email client when clicked. You can use a simple or complex version of the MAILTO command to complete as many email fields as needed. Use a question mark to separate the email address from the subject field, and an ampersand (&) between other email fields:
*Simple format: MAILTO: emailaddress\Description
*Complex format: MAILTO: emailaddress?subject= subject&body= msgbody&cc= emailaddress&bcc=emailaddress\Description
Replace spaces in the email command fields with the dollar symbol ($). Separate multiple email addresses with a comma. The record is not attached in the email.
The following table describes each field in the MAILTO tag. Use a comma to separate multiple email addresses in an email address field.
Command tag. This command is case sensitive.
E-mail address
Email address of recipients of the message.
Subject of the email (optional).
Content in the body of the message (optional).
Email addresses of recipients to copy on the message.
Email addresses of recipients to blind copy on the message.
The text to display in the grid.
To create a link to an email address
1. Optionally, verify that the column in which you want to add a link is defined with the correct attributes. See Verifying the Column Definition.
2. On the Menu toolbar, click Manage > Manage Data or View > Browse.
3. Navigate to the object in which you want to add a link and select it.
4. Use the option that corresponds to the object’s display mode:
*In Default mode: click the Values tab.
*In Nova mode: click Apply Filter.
5. Click Insert > Insert or Insert > Insert Multiple.
6. In the relevant column, link to an email address using one of the following commands:
*MAILTO: emailaddress\Description
*MAILTO: emailaddress?subject= subject&body= msgbody&cc= emailaddress&bcc=e mailaddress\Description
The description is required for OneData to recognize the hyperlink in the data column.
OneData opens the configured email client and populates the defined fields when the user clicks the hyperlink.
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