Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering CloudStreams : Overview : About CloudStreams : The CloudStreams Connectors
The CloudStreams Connectors
Custom Cloud Connectors
Configuring a CloudStreams Connector
CloudStreams provides pre-configured CloudStreams connectors. A CloudStreams connector contains SaaS provider-specific information that enables you to connect to a particular SaaS provider. You install a CloudStreams connector on Integration Server as an Integration Server package.
Each connector contains a CloudStreams Connector Bundle, which contains all the assets to enable the CloudStreams runtime to connect with the provider's back-end, and to perform operations on the back-end. One of these assets is the Cloud Connector Descriptor, which describes:
*A CloudStreams metadata handler (SOAP or REST), which creates the data model representing the connector for a particular provider.
*Meta information that enables you to create the cloud connector's connections.
*The connector's SOAP operations or REST resources.
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