Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering CloudStreams : Overview : About CloudStreams
About CloudStreams
The Components of CloudStreams
Outbound Architecture
Inbound Architecture
The CloudStreams Connectors
Cloud Connections
Cloud Connector Services
Virtual Services and Connector Virtual Services
Policies for Virtual Services and Connector Virtual Services
The CloudStreams Analytics Dashboard
webMethods CloudStreams provides a scalable approach for the development and governance of integration flows between "Software as a Service" (SaaS) applications and "on-premise" applications.
You use CloudStreams to:
*Develop services for a CloudStreams connector.
*Manage the security of service requests.
*Perform user-defined processing instructions (optional).
*Log transactions.
*Monitor run-time performance and events.
Additionally, you can use the CloudStreams framework to create custom cloud connectors for other SaaS applications.
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