In specific cases when you create Event Routing service configurations making connections which require password authentications, you must provide authentication credentials as values within the service configurations. The passwords are encrypted in all service configuration files using a secret key, which is also encrypted.
The secret key is used by Event Routing to encrypt and decrypt passwords specified in the service configurations making connections which require password authentications. The secret key can be found in the event-routing-security.xml file available in the Software AG_directory /common/conf/event/routing directory.
Software AG recommends that you modify the value of the secret key on each Software AG installation containing an Event Routing node before you start configuring services in Command Central. You can use the Event Routing ciphering utility to encrypt a given value and use it as a secret key.
For more information about using the
Event Routing ciphering utility, see
Working with the Event
Routing Ciphering Utility.
For more information about modifying the secret key, see
Modifying the Event
Routing Secret Key.