Modifying the Event Routing Secret Key
By default, Event Routing is delivered with an encrypted secret key which is used for encrypting and decrypting user credentials provided by custom route bundles making connections which require password authentications. Software AG recommends that you modify the value of the secret key on each Software AG installation containing a Event Routing node before you start developing your Event Routing custom route bundles.
To modify the Event Routing secret key
1. In your file system, navigate to the nerv-security.xml file available in the Software AG_directory /common/conf/event/routing directory.
The file contains the default encrypted secret key value:
2. Using the Event Routing ciphering utility, generate a new encrypted value for the secret key.
3. For each Software AG installation containing a product which embeds Event Routing, use the newly generated value to replace the default secret key in the in the nerv-security.xml file available in the Software AG_directory /common/conf/event/routing directory.
4. Recreate any existing service definition, such as Event Persistence, which contains a password.
Event Routing uses the new secret key to encrypt and decrypt passwords which are part of service definitions, such as Event Persistence.