Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Implementing Event-Driven Architecture with Software AG Products : How is EDA Implemented by Software AG? : Event Types : Event Type Store
Event Type Store
The Event Type Store provides a central location per installation where predefined and user-defined event types are stored. This shared location is used by all EDA participants within the respective installation to retrieve deployed custom event types at run time.
At design time, a local copy of the predefined event types of the Event Type Store is available for reference. By default, it is located in the Software AG_directory /common/PredefinedEventTypes directory. You can import this directory as an existing project in Software AG Designer to inspect the event types. User-defined event types can be created using the Event Type Editor and stored in the local copy.
Event types in the local copy must be deployed to the runtime store, so that EDA participants that process an event stream can retrieve the schema definition of the event. For more information about deploying Event Types, see Deploying EDA Assets.
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