Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Implementing Event-Driven Architecture with Software AG Products : Deploying and Testing EDA Solutions : Deploying EDA Assets
Deploying EDA Assets
Specifics of Deploying NERV Bundles to the Software AG Common Platform
Example of a Deployment Project Structure
Deployment is the process of moving EDA assets from the design environment into the run-time or production environment.
EDA assets can be deployed to one or more target runtimes using the webMethods Deployer’s repository-based deployment. To use this deployment method, you must have the Asset Build Environment (ABE) installed.
The EDA assets you create prior to deployment must have a specific structure in order to be deployable using webMethods Deployer.
*Event Types Deployment composites
Event Types Deployment composites are valid Event Types projects - a parent project directory with an Event Types subdirectory containing event type schemata. The event type schemata are considered individual assets and are packed by the Asset Build Environment into zip archives. Multiple event type schemata can be packed in a single zip file.
Event type schemata with namespaces that do not start with the string are deployed to the WebM/External directory of the Event Type Store.
*NERV Deployment composites
NERV Deployment composites are directories containing one or more NERV bundles (.jar files). The Asset Build Environment packs each NERV bundle into a single .zip archive.
Three types of NERV configuration bundles exist:
*NERV Component bundles
The NERV component configuration bundles are valid OSGi bundles that declare a single Camel component. The bundle directory must have the following structure:
*A MyNERVComponent.xml file and a MyBlueprint.xml file under the OSGI-INF\blueprint directory.
*A MANIFEST.MF file under the META-INF directory.
*A component declared as an OSGi service in a blueprint configuration file using a specific syntax, for example: <service id="nervDefaultJMSService"    interface="org.apache.camel.Component"    ref="nervDefaultJMS" depends-on="nervDefaultJMS"> <service-properties> <entry key="componentId" value="nervDefaultJMS"/> </service-properties> </service>
*NERV Emit bundles
The NERV emit bundles are valid OSGi bundles that declare Camel endpoints. The bundle directory must have the following structure:
*An MyNERVEmit.xml file and a MyBlueprint.xml file under the OSGI-INF\blueprint directory.
*A MANIFEST.MF file under the META-INF directory.
When the Asset Build Environment creates ACDL files, the NERV emit route bundles are parsed and all ComponentIDs are extracted and declared as dependencies. The dependencies are declared in the blueprint.xml file as follows:
<reference id="nervDefaultJMS"
*NERV Consume bundles
The NERV consume bundles are valid OSGi bundles that declare Camel endpoints. The bundle directory must have the following structure:
*A MyNERVConsume.xml file and a MyBlueprint.xml file under the OSGI-INF\blueprint directory.
*A MANIFEST.MF file under the META-INF directory.
When the Asset Build Environment creates ACDL files, the NERV consume bundles are parsed and all ComponentIDs are extracted and declared as dependencies. The dependencies are declared in the MyBlueprint.xml file as follows:
<reference id="nervDefaultJMS"
*NERV Java Archive bundles
The NERV Java archive bundles are valid OSGi bundles that contain any executable Java code as one or several .jar files. The bundle directory must have the following structure:
*One or several .jar files must be present under the project directory.
When the Asset Build Environment creates ACDL files, only the .jar files are taken into consideration.
When you enable the creation of EDA composites and run the ABE build script, the script searches the specified source directories and creates a composite for each project directory that contains EDA assets.
For more information about installing the Asset Build Environment feature, see Installing Software AG Products. For more information about building composites for repository-based deployment, see webMethods Deployer User’s Guide.
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