Building Your Event-Driven Architecture : Implementing Event-Driven Architecture with Software AG Products : Deploying and Testing EDA Solutions : Deploying EDA Assets : Specifics of Deploying NERV Bundles to the Software AG Common Platform
Specifics of Deploying NERV Bundles to the Software AG Common Platform
When you use webMethods Deployer to deploy NERV bundles to the Software AG Common Platform, the bundles are deployed to the Software AG_directory /common/nerv/bundles directory, from which they are loaded by all profiles in your Software AG installation.
If you want to deploy and activate NERV bundles only to a specific Common Platform profile, you must modify the default deployment location and make the Common Platform profile aware of the new location where your NERV bundles will be deployed.
To deploy and activate NERV bundles only for a specific Software AG Common Platform profile
1. In Command Central, navigate to Environments > Instances > ALL > SPM > NERV > Configuration tab, click the file, and then click Edit.
2. Note the initial value for the Configuration Bundles Location property. You will need this value for a later step in the procedure.
3. To specify a user-defined location for deployment of NERV bundles, modify the value for the Configuration Bundles Location property to point to a user-defined location. For example:
4. Save the modifications and restart the SPM profile for your changes to take effect.
5. Deploy your NERV bundles using webMethods Deployer.
This will deploy the NERV bundles to the user-defined location.
6. In Command Central, navigate to Environments > Instances > ALL > SPM > NERV > Configuration tab, click the file, and then click Edit.
7. Set the value for the Configuration Bundles Location property to the initial value, as noted at the beginning of the procedure, then save the changes and restart the SPM profile.
8. To make a specific Common Platform profile aware of the user-defined locations where bundles reside, in Command Central, navigate to Environments > Instances > ALL > <profile_name> > NERV > Configuration tab, click the file, and then click Edit.
For example, for the IS_default profile, the location would be Environments > Instances > ALL > IS_default > NERV > Configuration tab.
9. Modify the value for the Configuration Bundles Location property to point to the default deployment location, as well as the user-defined deployment location. For example:
The delimiter must be a comma.
10. Save the modifications and restart the specific Common Platform profile for the changes to take effect.
Now the respective Common Platform profile loads all bundles from the default location, as well as the NERV bundles from the user-defined location.
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