Working with Event Models
You can create event rules that operate on the basis of event types that were created with the webMethods Event Type Editor, see
Working with Event Rules (external events). An event type is an XML schema that describes the structure of an event. To create event types, follow the instructions as described in
webMethods Event-Driven Architecture Help.
Before you can actually create an event rule that is based on an event type, you must map the event type to an event model, which is then stored in your workspace as part of the rule project. The mapped event model serves as a class or blueprint. At runtime, specific instances of this event model will be used in the rules engine.
When you create an event rule, the event model is mapped to a parameter. This parameter represents a specific instance of the event model.
Parameter Input/Output Type
A parameter can have a different input/output type (I/O type) depending on whether it is used only as a condition/event source, only as a result, or as a condition/event source and result of a decision entitiy.
Parameters is used ... | I/O Type is set to ... |
Only as a condition/event source | Input |
Only as a result | Output |
As a condition/event source and a result | Both |
Important: | The I/O type of a parameter that was mapped from an event model must be set to Input or Both. |