Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Designer Native User Interface Reference : Mobile Designer Native User Interface : Using Multiple Panes for Tablet User Interfaces : Side Views or Panes?
Side Views or Panes?
As well as using the concept of panes to manage nUIViewDisplay objects within a nUIWindowDisplay, it is also possible to nominate views as "side views". These can be used to provide pop-open "side menu" or "toolbox"-style functionality for an application. The table below will compare and contrast the use of panes and side views. As a general rule of thumb, side views will be more useful for phone screens than on tablet devices, but are available for both.
Side View
Pop-open when needed.
Intended to be always-open.
Will obscure or displace other content when open (possibly including nUINavViews).
Exists in its own space within the Window.
Can be defined once to provide a global pop-open "toolbox" for the entire application.
Usually changes content throughout the application's life-cycle.
Only 2 side views per Window possible at once (left and right).
Multiple panes possible.
Fixed x/y positions and height (width configurable).
Arbitrary layouts possible.
More space-efficient with smaller devices.
Better side-by-side layout of data and controls for larger devices.
Blocks interaction in other Views when visible.
Allows for interaction across multiple Views concurrently.
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