Installing and using Mobile Suite : webMethods Mobile Designer Native User Interface Reference : Mobile Designer Native User Interface : Using Multiple Panes for Tablet User Interfaces
Using Multiple Panes for Tablet User Interfaces
Managing the Layout of Panes
Designing Applications to Run on Both Tablets and Smaller Devices
Determining the Device Size at Run Time
Adding Panes to a Window
Side Views or Panes?
The NativeUI window object, nUIWindowDisplay, allows you to define multiple panes in a window. Using multiple panes in a window is primarily useful when creating user interfaces for tablet devices that have larger screen sizes.
By default, the nUIWindowDisplay object has two panes, one with a nUIViewDisplay object for the main pane and a nUINavView object for navigation. You can configure the nUIWindowDisplay object to accept additional nUIViewDisplay and nUINavView objects, allowing the application to use multiple panes to take advantage of the larger screen size.
Before creating an application that uses multiple panes, ensure the target platforms on which the application will run support windows with multiple panes.
NativeUIDemo Sample
The Mobile Designer NativeUIDemo sample application is an example of an application that uses multiple panes. It is also an example of an application that runs on both tablet devices and smaller devices, altering the user interface based on the device size. The following shows a screenshot of the NativeUIDemo.
If the NativeUIDemo application determines that it is running on a tablet device, it uses multiple panes. To determine whether it is running on a tablet, the application derives the screen size of the device on which it is running. The NativeUIDemo sample considers a tablet to be a device with a screen size that exceeds six inches diagonally. For more information, see Determining the Device Size at Run Time.
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