Tool name / Category | Description |
Category: Store tools | |
CreateChannel | Creates a channel with the specified name on the specified server. A single permission can be set during channel creation using optional arguments. For adding a set of permissions use the client API. |
CreateDurable | Creates a Durable with the specified name and type on the specified channel. |
CreateJoin | Joins two channels. |
CreateQueue | Creates a queue with the specified name on the specified server. A single permission can be set during queue creation using optional arguments. For adding a set of permissions use the client API. |
DeleteChannel | Deletes a channel with the specified name on the specified session. |
DeleteDurable | Deletes a Durable with the specified name on the specified channel. |
DeleteJoin | Deletes a join between two channels. |
DeleteQueue | Deletes a queue with the specified name on the specified session. |
GetChannelInfo | Gets the attributes and storage properties of a specified channel in a specified realm. |
GetDurablesInfo | Displays the durables details saved in a .nsb file. |
GetDurableInfo | Gets the attributes of a specific Durable in a specific channel. |
GetDurableStatus | Gets the current state of durables on a realm, sorted by a given field. |
GetEventsInfo | Displays the event details present in the memory file(s). |
IdentifyLargeDurableOutstandingEvents | Identifies channels containing Durables with a large number of outstanding events. |
ListChannels | Lists details of the channels on the specified server. |
ListJoins | Lists joins on a given realm. |
MonitorChannels | Monitors the channels in a realm and prints totals. |
PurgeEvents | Purges events from a channel with the specified name on the specified session. |
Category: Cluster tools | |
ClusterState | Checks the cluster state by a given RNAME, which is part of a cluster. |
CreateCluster | Creates a cluster with the specified name, consisting of the specified realms. |
DumpClusterNamedObjectsState | Dumps the state of named objects (durables) on channels present on the specified cluster servers. |
Category: Interface tools | |
AddHTTPInterface | Adds an HTTP interface on the specified adapter and port, on the specified realm. |
AddHTTPSInterface | Adds an HTTPS interface on the specified adapter and port, on the specified realm. |
AddSHMInterface | Adds a shared memory interface with the specified path, buffer size and timeout, on the specified realm. |
AddSSLInterface | Adds an SSL interface on the specified adapter and port, on the specified realm. |
AddSocketInterface | Adds a socket interface on the specified adapter and port, on the specified realm. |
DeleteInterface | Deletes the specified interface from the specified realm. |
ModifyInterface | Modifies the specified interface on the specified realm. |
Category: Datagroup tools | |
AddDataGroup | Adds a child data group to a parent data group. Both of these data groups must exist. |
CreateDataGroup | Creates a data group with the specified name on the specified server. Additionally, conflation attributes and other options of the data group can be set. |
DeleteDataGroup | Removes the data group with the specified name from the server. |
ListenDataGroup | Listens for data group events on a realm. |
PublishDataGroup | Publishes messages to a data group. |
Category: Publish tools | |
PublishChannel | Publishes events to a channel. |
PublishChannelXML | Publishes an XML document to a channel. |
PublishCompressed | Publishes events to a store, using compression. |
PublishQueue | Publishes events to a queue. |
PublishTX | Publishes events, as a part of a transaction, to a channel or queue. |
Category: Subscribe tools | |
PeekQueue | Peeks all events on a queue and prints statistics for the bandwidth rates. |
SubscribeChannel | Reads all the messages from a channel. |
SubscribeChannelAsync | Listens for messages on a channel. |
SubscribeChannelAsyncDurable | Listens for messages on a channel. Running the tool with the same "-name" argument will continue reading from the last unconsumed event. |
SubscribeChannelDurable | Listens for messages on a channel. Running the tool with the same "-name" argument will continue reading from the last unconsumed event. |
SubscribeCompressed | Listens for compressed messages on a channel. |
SubscribeQueue | Reads all the messages from a queue. |
SubscribeQueueAsync | Listens for messages on a queue. |
Category: Security tools | |
AddChannelACLEntry | Adds an ACL entry on the specified channel for the specified user and host, on the specified session. |
AddContainerACLEntry | Adds an ACL entry on the specified container for the specified user and host. |
AddQueueACLEntry | Adds an ACL entry on the specified queue for the specified user and host, on the specified session. |
AddRealmACLEntry | Adds an ACL entry on the specified realm for the specified user and host. |
AddSecurityGroup | Adds a security group to the specified realm with the specified name. |
AddUserToSecurityGroup | Adds a specified user and host subject to a given security group on a specified realm. |
DeleteChannelACLEntry | Deletes the ACL entry from the specified channel with the specified user and host. |
DeleteContainerACLEntry | Removes an ACL entry from the specified container with the specified user and host. |
DeleteQueueACLEntry | Deletes an ACL entry from the specified queue with the specified user and host. |
DeleteRealmACLEntry | Removes an ACL entry from the specified realm with the specified user and host. |
DeleteSecurityGroup | Removes a security group from the specified realm with the specified name. |
DumpACL | Dumps all the ACL data for a realm. |
ModifyChannelACLEntry | Updates an ACL entry on the specified channel for the specified user and host, on the specified session. |
ModifyContainerACLEntry | AddContainerACLEntry adds an ACL entry on the specified container for the specified user and host. |
ModifyQueueACLEntry | Updates an ACL entry on the specified queue for the specified user and host, on the specified session. |
ModifyRealmACLEntry | Modifies an ACL entry on the specified realm for the specified user and host. |
RemoveUserFromSecurityGroup | Removes a specified user from a given security group on the specified realm. |
Category: Zone tools | |
AddMemberToZone | Adds a realm to a specified realm's zone. |
CreateZone | Creates a zone with the specified name containing the specified realms. |
DeleteZone | Deletes a zone with the specified name on the specified session. |
RemoveMemberFromZone | Removes a realm from its current zone. |
Category: JMS tools | |
CreateConnectionFactory | Creates a JMS connection factory with the specified server. |
CreateJMSQueue | Creates a JMS queue with the specified name on the specified session. |
CreateJMSTopic | Creates a JMS topic with the specified name on the specified session. |
JMSPublish | Publishes one or more messages to a JMS queue or topic. |
JMSSubscribe | Reads messages arriving to a JMS destination. |
ModifyConnectionFactory | Modifies settings of a JMS connection factory on the specified server. |
ViewConnectionFactory | Views settings of a JMS connection factory on the specified server. |
Category: Recovery tools | |
AddInterfaceOffline | Adds a new interface to an offline realm. |
DeleteInterfaceOffline | Removes an interface from an offline realm using configuration data. |
DumpInterfacesOffline | Dumps the list of interfaces for a specified offline realm. |
ModifyInterfaceOffline | Modifies an interface of an offline realm. |
ModifyPrimeFlagOffline | Modifies the prime flag of a site while the realm is offline. |
Category: Durable tools | |
ViewDurableEvent | Gets all events for all durables or all events for a specific durable. |
Category: Miscellaneous | For the command line syntax of the tools in this category, see the section Syntax: Miscellaneous Tools. |
EditRealmConfiguration | Edits realm configuration parameters. |
ExportRealmXML | Exports a selected realm to an XML file. |
HealthChecker | Runs the Health Checker tool for analysing configuration items and highlighting robustness improvements. For more details, see the section Running a Configuration Health Check. |
ImportRealmXML | Imports a realm from an XML file. |
Category: Site tools | |
CreateSite | Creates a site with the specified name, consisting of the specified nodes. |
DeleteSite | Deletes a site with the specified name from all the nodes associated with it. |
SetPrimeSite | Toggles the specified site's prime status. |
ShowSites | Displays the configuration of the sites. |
Category: Diagnostic tools | For the command line syntax of the tools in this category, see the section Syntax: Diagnostic Tools. |
RealmInformationCollector | Collects diagnostic information from a realm server installation and stores it in a zip archive. For more details, see the section The "Realm Information Collector" Diagnostic Tool. |