Hybrid Integration 10.2 | Integrating On-Premises Applications | Universal Messaging | Command Line Administration Tools | Syntax reference for command line tools | Syntax: Security Tools
Syntax: Security Tools

Tool name:

Adds an ACL entry on the specified channel for the specified user and host,
on the specified realm.

runUMTool AddChannelACLEntry -channelname=<channelname> -rname=<rname>
-type=<type> [optional_args]


AddChannelACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
-type=group -groupname=security_group0 -fullprivileges=true

AddChannelACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
-type=subject -user=username -host= -fullprivileges=true

Required arguments:

channelname :
Name of the channel to which the ACL entry is being applied.

rname :
URL of the server on which the channel exists.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which ACL is being updated.

user :
User for which ACL is being updated.

host :
Host for which ACL is being updated.

canlistacl :
Specify that the 'list' ACL permission should be added.

canmodifyacl :
Specify that the 'modify' ACL permission should be added.

fullprivileges :
Specify that the 'full permissions' ACL permission should be added.

cangetlasteid :
Specify that the 'get last EID' ACL permission should be added.

canread :
Specify that the 'read' ACL permission should be added.

canwrite :
Specify that the 'write' ACL permission should be added.

canpurge :
Specify that the 'purge' ACL permission should be added.

cannamed :
Specify that the 'named' ACL permission should be added.

canpop :
Specify that the 'pop' ACL permission should be added.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Adds an ACL entry on the specified container for the specified user and host.

runUMTool AddContainerACLEntry -containername=<containername> -rname=<rname>
-type=<type> [optional_args]


AddContainerACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -containername=container0
-type=group -groupname=security_group0 -fullprivileges=true

AddContainerACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -containername=container0
-type=subject -user=username -host= -fullprivileges=true

Required arguments:

containername :
Name of the container to which the ACL entry is being applied.

rname :
URL of the server from which to start searching for the container.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which ACL is being updated.

user :
User for which ACL is being updated.

host :
Host for which ACL is being updated.

canlistacl :
Specify that the 'list' ACL permission should be added.

canmodifyacl :
Specify that the 'modify' ACL permission should be added.

fullprivileges :
Specify that the 'full permissions' ACL permission should be added.

cangetlasteid :
Specify that the 'get last EID' ACL permission should be added.

canread :
Specify that the 'read' ACL permission should be added.

canwrite :
Specify that the 'write' ACL permission should be added.

canpurge :
Specify that the 'purge' ACL permission should be added.

cannamed :
Specify that the 'named' ACL permission should be added.

canpop :
Specify that the 'pop' ACL permission should be added.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Adds an ACL entry on the specified queue for the specified user and host,
on the specified realm.

runUMTool AddQueueACLEntry -queuename=<queuename> -rname=<rname> -type=<type>


AddQueueACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -queuename=queue0 -type=group
-groupname=security_group0 -fullprivileges=true

AddQueueACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -queuename=queue0 -type=subject
-user=username -host= -fullprivileges=true

Required arguments:

queuename :
Name of the queue to which the ACL entry is being applied.

rname :
URL of the server on which the queue exists.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which ACL is being updated.

user :
User for which ACL is being updated.

host :
Host for which ACL is being updated.

canlistacl :
Specify that the 'list' ACL permission should be added.

canmodifyacl :
Specify that the 'modify' ACL permission should be added.

fullprivileges :
Specify that the 'full permissions' ACL permission should
be added.

canread :
Specify that the 'read' ACL permission should be added.

canwrite :
Specify that the 'write' ACL permission should be added.

canpurge :
Specify that the 'purge' ACL permission should be added.

canpop :
Specify that the 'pop' ACL permission should be added.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Adds an ACL entry on the specified realm for the specified user and host.

runUMTool AddRealmACLEntry -rname=<rname> -type=<type> [optional_args]


AddRealmACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -type=group
-groupname=security_group0 -fullprivileges=true

AddRealmACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -type=subject -user=username
-host= -fullprivileges=true

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm to which the ACL entry is being applied.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which ACL is being updated.

user :
User for which ACL is being updated.

host :
Host for which ACL is being updated.

canlistacl :
Specify that the 'list' ACL permission should be added.

canmodifyacl :
Specify that the 'modify' ACL permission should be added.

fullprivileges :
Specify that the 'full permissions' ACL permission should be added.

canuseadminapi :
Specify that the 'use admin api' ACL permission should be added.

canmanagerealms :
Specify that the 'manage realms' ACL permission should be added.

canmanagejoins :
Specify that the 'manage joins' ACL permission should be added.

canmanagechannels :
Specify that the 'manage channels' ACL permission should be added.

canaccess :
Specify that the 'access' ACL permission should be added.

canoverrideconnectioncount :
Specify that the 'override connection count' ACL permission should be added.

canconfigure :
Specify that the 'configuration' ACL permission should be added.

canmanagedatagroups :
Specify that the 'manage data groups' ACL permission should be added.

canpublishglobaldatagroups :
Specify that the 'publish global data groups' ACL permission should
be added.

cantakeownershipdatagroups :
Specify that the 'take ownership of data groups' ACL permission should
be added.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Adds a security group to the specified realm with the specified name.

runUMTool AddSecurityGroup -rname=<rname> -groupname=<groupname> [optional_args]


AddSecurityGroup -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -groupname=security_group0

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm to which the security group is being added.

groupname :
Name of the security group to be added.

Optional Parameters:

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Adds a specified user and host subject to a given security group on a
specified realm.

runUMTool AddUserToSecurityGroup -rname=<rname> -groupname=<groupname>
-user=<user> -host=<host> [optional_args]


AddUserToSecurityGroup -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -groupname=security_group0
-user=username -host=

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm on which is the security group.

groupname :
Name of the security group to which the user is being added.

user :
User of the subject being added to security group.

host :
Host of the subject being added to security group.

Optional Parameters:

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Deletes the ACL entry from the specified channel with the specified user
and host.

runUMTool DeleteChannelACLEntry -channelname=<channelname> -rname=<rname>
-type=<type> [optional_args]


DeleteChannelACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
-type=group -groupname=security_group0

DeleteChannelACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
-type=subject -user=username -host=

Required arguments:

channelname :
Name of the channel from which the ACL entry is being removed.

rname :
URL of the server on which the channel exists.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which the ACL entry is being removed.

user :
User for which the ACL entry is being removed.

host :
Host for which the ACL entry is being removed.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Removes an ACL entry from the specified container with the specified user
and host.

runUMTool DeleteContainerACLEntry -containername=<containername> -rname=<rname>
-type=<type> [optional_args]


DeleteContainerACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -containername=container0
-type=group -groupname=security_group0

DeleteContainerACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -containername=container0
-type=subject -user=username -host=

Required arguments:

containername :
Name of the container from which the ACL entry is being removed.

rname :
URL of the server from which to start searching for the container.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which the ACL entry is being removed.

user :
User for which the ACL entry is being removed.

host :
Host for which the ACL entry is being removed.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Deletes the ACL entry from the specified queue with the specified user and host.

runUMTool DeleteQueueACLEntry -queuename=<queuename> -rname=<rname>
-type=<type> [optional_args]


DeleteQueueACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -queuename=queue0
-type=group -groupname=security_group0

DeleteQueueACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -queuename=queue0
-type=subject -user=username -host=

Required arguments:

queuename :
Name of the queue from which the ACL entry is being removed.

rname :
URL of the server on which the queue exists.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which the ACL entry is being removed.

user :
User for which the ACL entry is being removed.

host :
Host for which the ACL entry is being removed.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Removes an ACL entry from the specified realm with the specified user and host.

runUMTool DeleteRealmACLEntry -rname=<rname> -type=<type> [optional_args]


DeleteRealmACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -type=group

DeleteRealmACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -type=subject -user=username

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm from which the ACL entry is being removed.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which the ACL entry is being removed.

user :
User for which the ACL entry is being removed.

host :
Host for which the ACL entry is being removed.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Removes a security group from the specified realm with the specified name.

runUMTool DeleteSecurityGroup -rname=<rname> -groupname=<groupname>


DeleteSecurityGroup -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -groupname=security_groupp

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm from which the security group is being removed.

groupname :
Name of the security group to be removed.

Optional Parameters:

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Dumps all the ACL data for a realm.

runUMTool DumpACL -rname=<rname> [optional_args]


DumpACL -rname=nsp://localhost:8080

DumpACL -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -format=XML

DumpACL -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -format=JSON

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm for which to dump the ACL data.

Optional Parameters:

format :
Which format to output ACL data. Defaults to plaintext, other
options are: plaintext, xml, json.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Updates an ACL entry on the specified channel for the specified user and
host, on the specified realm.

runUMTool ModifyChannelACLEntry -channelname=<channelname> -rname=<rname>
-type=<type> [optional_args]


ModifyChannelACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
-type=group -groupname=security_group0 -fullprivileges=true

ModifyChannelACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
-type=subject -user=username -host= -fullprivileges=true

Required arguments:

channelname :
Name of the channel on which the ACL entry is being updated.

rname :
URL of the server on which the channel exists.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which ACL is being updated.

user :
User for which ACL is being updated.

host :
Host for which ACL is being updated.

canlistacl :
Specify that the 'list' ACL permission should be added.

canmodifyacl :
Specify that the 'modify' ACL permission should be added.

fullprivileges :
Specify that the 'full permissions' ACL permission should be added.

cangetlasteid :
Specify that the 'get last EID' ACL permission should be added.

canread :
Specify that the 'read' ACL permission should be added.

canwrite :
Specify that the 'write' ACL permission should be added.

canpurge :
Specify that the 'purge' ACL permission should be added.

cannamed :
Specify that the 'named' ACL permission should be added.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

AddContainerACLEntry adds an ACL entry on the specified container for the
specified user and host.

runUMTool ModifyContainerACLEntry -containername=<containername> -rname=<rname>
-type=<type> [optional_args]


ModifyContainerACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -containername=container0
-type=group -groupname=security_group0 -fullprivileges=true

ModifyContainerACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -containername=container0
-type=subject -user=username -host= -fullprivileges=true

Required arguments:

containername :
Name of the container to which the ACL entry is being applied.

rname :
URL of the server from which to start searching for the container.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which ACL is being updated.

user :
User for which ACL is being updated.

host :
Host for which ACL is being updated.

canlistacl :
Specify that the 'list' ACL permission should be added.

canmodifyacl :
Specify that the 'modify' ACL permission should be added.

fullprivileges :
Specify that the 'full permissions' ACL permission should be added.

cangetlasteid :
Specify that the 'get last EID' ACL permission should be added.

canread :
Specify that the 'read' ACL permission should be added.

canwrite :
Specify that the 'write' ACL permission should be added.

canpurge :
Specify that the 'purge' ACL permission should be added.

cannamed :
Specify that the 'named' ACL permission should be added.

canpop :
Specify that the 'pop' ACL permission should be added.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Updates an ACL entry on the specified queue for the specified user and host,
on the specified realm.

runUMTool ModifyQueueACLEntry -queuename=<queuename> -rname=<rname> -type=<type>


ModifyQueueACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -queuename=queue0 -type=group
-groupname=security_group0 -fullprivileges=true

ModifyQueueACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -queuename=queue0 -type=subject
-user=username -host= -fullprivileges=true

Required arguments:

queuename :
Name of the queue on which the ACL entry is being updated.

rname :
URL of the server on which the queue exists.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which ACL is being updated.

user :
User for which ACL is being updated.

host :
Host for which ACL is being updated.

canlistacl :
Specify that the 'list' ACL permission should be added.

canmodifyacl :
Specify that the 'modify' ACL permission should be added.

fullprivileges :
Specify that the 'full permissions' ACL permission should be added.

canread :
Specify that the 'read' ACL permission should be added.

canwrite :
Specify that the 'write' ACL permission should be added.

canpurge :
Specify that the 'purge' ACL permission should be added.

canpop :
Specify that the 'pop' ACL permission should be added.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password : Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Modifies an ACL entry on the specified realm for the specified user and host.

runUMTool ModifyRealmACLEntry -rname=<rname> -type=<type> [optional_args]


ModifyRealmACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -type=group
-groupname=security_group0 -fullprivileges=true

ModifyRealmACLEntry -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -type=subject -user=username
-host= -fullprivileges=true

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm on which ACL is being updated.

type :
Type of ACL entry, either 'group' or 'subject'. If group is chosen,
'groupname' must be set. Otherwise 'user' and 'host' must be set.

Optional Parameters:

groupname :
Name of the group for which ACL is being updated.

user :
User for which ACL is being updated.

host :
Host for which ACL is being updated.

canlistacl :
Specify that the 'list' ACL permission should be added.

canmodifyacl :
Specify that the 'modify' ACL permission should be added.

fullprivileges :
Specify that the 'full permissions' ACL permission should be added.

canuseadminapi :
Specify that the 'use admin api' ACL permission should be added.

canmanagerealms :
Specify that the 'manage realms' ACL permission should be added.

canmanagejoins :
Specify that the 'manage joins' ACL permission should be added.

canmanagechannels :
Specify that the 'manage channels' ACL permission should be added.

canaccess :
Specify that the 'access' ACL permission should be added.

canoverrideconnectioncount :
Specify that the 'override connection count' ACL permission should be added.

canconfigure :
Specify that the 'configuration' ACL permission should be added.

canmanagedatagroups :
Specify that the 'manage data groups' ACL permission should be added.

canpublishglobaldatagroups :
Specify that the 'publish global data groups' ACL permission should be added.

cantakeownershipdatagroups :
Specify that the 'take ownership of data groups' ACL permission should be added.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Removes a specified user from a given security group on the specified realm.

runUMTool RemoveUserFromSecurityGroup -rname=<rname> -groupname=<groupname>
-user=<user> -host=<host> [optional_args]


RemoveUserFromSecurityGroup -rname=nsp://localhost:8080
-groupname=security_group0 -user=username -host=

Required arguments:

rname :
URL of the realm on which the security group resides.

groupname :
Name of the security group user is being removed from.

user :
User being removed from security group.

host :
Host of subject being removed from security group.

Optional Parameters:

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

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Innovation Release