webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | webMethods Monitor User’s Guide | Process Monitoring | Viewing Detailed Information for a Process Instance | Process Instance Detailed Information
Process Instance Detailed Information
The Process Instance Detail page provides you with a central location that presents the most important information about a process instance. It offers the following buttons:
*Previous and Next. These buttons enable you to move through the process instances listed in the search results without having to return to the Process Instances page.
*Refresh. Updates the page with the most recent process data available.
*Close. Closes the Process Instance Detail page and returns to the Process Instances page.
The Process Instances Detail page provides the following information and controls:
Process Instance Information
The Process Instance Information window displays information that identifies the process instance, as follows:
Name of the process model associated with the process instance.
Model Version
Name of the model version used for the process instance. This field is only applicable for webMethods-executed processes.
Start Date / Time
Date and time the process instance started.
Last Updated
Date and time of the last change in process instance status.
Instance ID
Unique identifier for the process instance. If a process instance ID consists of multiple parts (for example, order numbers from two or more different order systems), Monitor creates one row for each part.
Parent Instance ID
Unique identifier for the parent process instance, if applicable. Provided only for instances that have been started by other instances.
Instance Iteration
Number of times the process instance has been submitted.
Status of the process instance. For more information, see About Process Instance Statuses.
Length of time a process instance was active. Duration is calculated based on the status of the process instance:
*Active. Length of time the process instance has been executing. Duration is calculated by subtracting the start time of the process instance from the current system time.
*Inactive. Length of time the process instance was active. Duration is calculated by subtracting the start time of the process instance from the time the process instance became inactive.
*Timed out or stopped. Length of time the process instance was active. Duration is calculated by subtracting the start time of the process instance from the time the cancel or timeout action occurred.
Note: For steps that execute in parallel, Duration does not include the overlapping execution time.
These buttons are available only when a process instance is running (that is, does not have a status of Completed).
*Update. Available when a process instance is running and a new version of the source process model has been enabled. This updates the running instance so that it uses the newly enabled model version for the rest of the process. For more information, see Updating a Process Instance to a New Model Version.
*Suspend/Resume. Click to suspend or resume a process instance.
*Stop. Click to stop the process instance.
Process Stage Timeline
The Process Stage Timeline window displays a graphical presentation of stage activity and status over time. webMethods Optimize for Process must be installed to be able to view stage timeline information.
Note: When a process contains no stages, or if webMethods Optimize for Process is not installed, this window is collapsed to show only the title bar. It cannot be expanded.
Note: Process stage logging does not occur instantaneously. This can result in a delay of up to five minutes between stage instance changes and the stage status displayed in the Stage Timeline window. For example, when viewing a recently executed process instance, stages may initially appear as not yet started. Click the Refresh button on the Process Instance Detail page to update the Stage Timeline window. For more information, see “About Process Generation and Stage Status Display” in the Building and Uploading chapter of webMethods BPM Process Development Help.
By default, stages of all statuses are displayed, as indicated by the stage status display check boxes:
You can filter the list of displayed stages by clearing a stage status check box, which removes stages of that status from the display. Select a check box to display stages of that status. The stage list provides the following information:
Note: Click on a column name to activate the sort controls for that column.
The current status of the stage: Completed, Running, Incomplete, or Not Started.
The name assigned to the stage.
Cycle Time
Cycle time is based on the status of the stage:
*Completed. The length of time it took for the stage to run from start to completion.
*Running. The length of time since the stage began executing.
*Incomplete. The length of time it took for the stage to run from start to the time it stopped running for any reason other than completion (for example, step failure or process suspended) A stage will have incomplete status if it is still running when the process terminates for any reason. This can happen with normal process execution if the process instance took a split branch that does not terminate.
*Not Started. No cycle time is displayed.
Deviation is calculated only when the stage is breached. A value of +/- 0 indicates no deviation. A stage that has breached its defined condition is indicated by an alarm icon .
The deviation time is calculated by comparing the Cycle Time to the Condition expression defined for the stage. If the condition specifies <, then the stage is breached when the cycle time exceeds the specified time period. If the condition specifies >, then the stage is breached when the cycle time is less than the specified time period. For example:
*If the Condition expression is “< 2 seconds” and the stage completes in 3 seconds, the deviation is 1 second, and the stage is breached.
*If the Condition expression is “> 2 hours” and the stage completes in 1 hour and 30 minutes, the deviation is -30 minutes, and the stage is breached.
You can obtain additional stage information as follows:
*Hover the cursor over any row in the stage list, or over the colored bar for a stage in chart area to view the stage name and description as well as the following:
*Status: The current status of the stage.
*Start Milestone: The point in the process where the stage starts.
*End Milestone: The point in the process where the stage ends.
*SLA Condition: The expected execution time specified in the stage’s Condition expression.
*Stop Tracking On Breach: Indicates if this option is selected (Yes or No).
*Clicking any row in the stage list does all of the following:
*Displays the stage’s start milestone and stage end milestone in the Process Diagram window. Only one stage can be displayed in the Process Diagram at any time. Click another row to display the milestones for another stage.
Note: If you have selected the Stop Tracking On Breach option for a stage and that stage experiences a breach, all stage tracking ceases and any remaining stages in the process are marked as Incomplete. In this case, it is possible for the steps within the stage to be shown as Complete in the process diagram, while the stage that contains them is shown as Incomplete. This is expected behavior.
*Filters the Step Summary list to display only those steps that executed within the stage's cycle time. Steps that are in a different path from the stage's start and end milestone steps will also be included if the step’s execution time falls within the stage cycle time.
*Filters the Logged Fields list to display only those logged fields that belong to a step in the filtered Step Summary list.
Click Clear Selection in the Process Stage Timeline window to remove the milestone icons and display all process steps in the Step Summary window and all logged fields in the Logged Fields window.
*To set the time resolution for the chart, select from Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, or Minute in the Time Unit list.
Process Diagram
The Process Diagram window displays an image of the process model as it was designed in Designer, if an image is available for a webMethods-executed or externally executed process model. Because no model exists for an integration process, Monitor cannot display a process diagram for integration processes.
Note: If you are using Internet Explorer to view process models rendered with Google Web Toolkit (GWT), you must configure the compatibility settings in My webMethods Server for your version of the browser. For more information about this, and about process model rendering in general, see About Process Model Rendering.
The image contains status icons next to steps that have executed or are currently executing. For more information, see About Process Instance Step Statuses. In addition, you can display milestones for an individual stage by selecting the stage in the list portion of the Process Stage Timeline window. See Process Stage Timeline, above, for more information.
You can right-click the diagram and use the following menu commands to resize the diagram and change the label display.
*Fit to screen. Fits the entire process model diagram on the screen. Click Restore to restore the diagram size to 100%. You can also use the slider on the left side of the screen to adjust the zoom level.
*Hide transition labels or Show transition labels. This menu command toggles to either hide or show labels on the transition lines between events or steps in the process.
*Show transition descriptions or Hide transition descriptions. This menu command toggles to hide or show transition descriptions. If no description is defined, the transition expression label appears when Show transition descriptions is selected. This option is mutually exclusive with Show/Hide transition expressions.
*Show transition expressions or Hide transition expressions. This menu command toggles to show or hide transition expressions. This option is mutually exclusive with Show/Hide transition descriptions.
*Truncate transition expressions/descriptions or Expand transition expression/descriptions. This menu comment toggles to display full or shortened label descriptions.
Step Summary
The Step Summary window displays information about the execution of the steps within the process instance.
Note: The list of steps can be filtered by stage by selecting the stage in the list portion of the Process Stage Timeline window. See Process Stage Timeline, above, for more information. Click Clear Selection in the Process Stage Timeline window to display all process steps in the Step Summary window.
The following information is available:
Step Name
Name of the step.
Start Date/Time
Date and time the step began executing.
Last Updated
Date and time the step was last updated.
Instance Iteration
Number of times the process instance executed, including resubmissions. For externally executed processes, this value is always 1.
Step Iteration
Number of times the step was executed as a result of:
*A transition drawn to this step downstream step that causes the step to execute multiple times during a single process execution.
*A process resubmittal that caused the step to execute again.
Loop Iteration
Applies only to steps that can be configured for standard looping, such as a subprocess step or a call activity step. A step executes a loop iteration only when a loop condition is configured for the step and that condition has been met.
Note: A step can loop two or more times until the loop condition is no longer met. A separate row exists for each loop iteration. Any time the step iteration increments, the loop iteration count is reset and begins again with 1.
Status of the step. For more information, see About Process Instance Step Statuses.
Length of time the step took to execute.
Referenced Processes
webMethods-referenced process or BPMN callable process that was executed at run time for this step.
Click child instance(s).. to view the Child instances for step window. This window shows a list with details for all child process instances of the viewed step.
Click the Step Detail icon in the Detail column to view step details, and for processes that are being analyzed, you can also click the KPI Summary icon  to view KPI information.
Control Actions
The Control Actions window contains information only when a control action (that is, suspend, resume, resubmit, or stop) has been performed on a webMethods-executed process instance, as follows:
Date / Time
Date and time the control action was performed.
Action taken on the process instance (suspend, resume, resubmit, or stop).
Instance Iteration
Instance ID for the process instance.
Step Name
Name of the step.
Step Iteration
Number of times the step executed.
Server ID
Server on which the process instance executed.
User associated with the process instance.
Activity Messages
The Activity Messages window contains information only when the process instance ran a service that logged user-defined messages.
Date / Time
Date and time the activity message was logged.
Step Name
Name of the step that logged the activity message.
Entry Type
The message type (Information, Debug, Error, or Warning).
Brief Message
Shortened version of the message.
Full Message
Full version of the message.
Logged Fields
The Logged Fields window contains information only when the process instance logged run-time values for custom fields. Custom logged fields are specified when the process is created in Designer.
Note: The list of logged fields can be filtered by stage by selecting the stage in the list portion of the Process Stage Timeline window. See Process Stage Timeline, above, for more information. Click Clear Selection in the Process Stage Timeline window to display all logged fields in the Logged Fields window.
Date / Time
Date and time the custom field was logged.
Step Name
Name of the step that logged the custom field.
Instance Iteration
Number of times the process instance executed, including resubmissions. For externally-executed processes, this value is always 1.
Step Iteration
Number of times the step was executed as a result of:
*A transition drawn to this step downstream step that causes the step to execute multiple times during a single process execution.
*The process was resubmitted, causing the step to execute again.
Loop Iteration
Applies only to steps that can be configured for standard looping, such as a subprocess step or a call activity step. A step executes a loop iteration only when a loop condition is configured for the step and that condition has been met.
Note: A step can loop two or more times until the loop condition is no longer met. A separate row exists for each loop iteration. Any time the step iteration increments, the loop iteration count is reset and begins again with 1.
Input indicates that any values passed as input to the step are logged. Output indicates that output pipeline values for the step were logged.
Field Name
Name of the logged custom field.
Field Value
Value of the logged custom field.
Process Errors
The Process Errors window displays error information for the process instance. Only errors for the entire process instance are shown here; step errors are shown in the Process Step Detail page. For more information, see Viewing Detailed Information for a Process Step.
Date and time the error occurred.
Type of error that occurred. The following are some typical errors:
*Process Timeout. The process timed out before it could be completed.
*Step Timeout.A step timed out before it could be completed.
*Retries Exceeded. A step was executed more than the defined maximum number of times.
*Out of Sequence. A step tried to execute out of sequence.
*Runtime error. The process instance encountered a run-time event (for example, failure to validate an account) that prevented it from completing successfully.
Error Message
Text of the error message. If the error is a run-time error (for example, if at run time an account was rejected), this column also displays the run-time error code.
Message Detail
Full exception message thrown by one of the services executing within the process instance.
Service Name
Name of the service that threw the exception.
Step Iteration
Number of times the step was executed as a result of:
*A transition drawn to this step downstream step that causes the step to execute multiple times during a single process execution.
*The process was resubmitted, causing the step to execute again.
Step Name
Name of the step associated with the error.
Server ID
For webMethods-executed processes or integration processes, identification for the server on which the error occurred.
Server ID is not available for externally executed process errors.

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