webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Task Engine User’s Guide | Administering Tasks | Configuring Task Permissions
Configuring Task Permissions
About Access Permissions
Configuring Task Access Permissions
Limitations When Denying Access to My Inbox
About Functional Permissions
Configuring Global Task Functional Permissions
About Task Type Functional Permissions
Configuring Task Type Functional Permissions
Through its permissions control feature, My webMethods enables administrators to provide or deny access to Task Engine features and functions to users, roles, or groups. Like all other permission control, you implement task permissions from the Navigate > Applications > Administration > System-Wide > Permissions Management navigation path. For more information about administering users, roles, and groups, see Administering My webMethods Server.
You can grant permissions for a user, role, or group for three different aspects of task interaction:
*Task type permissions— these permissions grant or deny the ability to administer, manage, and start task instances for each task type that is present in My webMethods Server, as well as granting access to the task type inbox in the Monitoring > Business > Tasks portion of the user's Navigate tab.
*Access permissions—these permissions enable you to grant or deny access to My Inbox, Task List Management, and Task Charts in the Monitoring > Business > Tasks portion of the user's Navigate tab, and to the Task Email Listener Administration, Task Analytics Configuration, and Task Engine Administration pages in the Administration > Business > Tasks portion of the user's Navigate tab.
*Functional permissions—these permissions enable you to grant or deny functionality for Global Task Rules Management, Collaboration Process Administration, and Impersonate Users for Remote Clients.

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