webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Task Engine User’s Guide | Administering Tasks | Configuring Task Permissions | About Access Permissions
About Access Permissions
You can grant or deny access to tasks to any user, role, or group. You can provide the user, role, or group with access to the following task-based pages within My webMethods:
*My Inbox—this standardized inbox enables the user to search, view, and interact with all of the tasks assigned to the user. This can be considered the basic mechanism to enable a user to receive, display, and interact with tasks assigned to the user. Some limitations apply if you deny access to My Inbox. For more information, see Limitations When Denying Access to My Inbox.
*Task Type Inboxes—each of these inboxes is much like the My Inbox tab, except that it displays only one specific type of task type. It is also customizable by the task type developer. By default, this page enables the user to search, view, and interact with all of the tasks of the specific task type. You can make this inbox available to users who need the ability to interact with tasks in a specialized way, or to enable a user to view a list of specific tasks without having to search and sort for those tasks in My Inbox.
*Task List Management—this standardized page enables the user to search, monitor, interact with, and manage all items in the task list. With proper role permissions, the user can suspend, resume, assign, subscribe to, and delegate tasks, among other activities. You can make this page available to supervisory or managerial users who need to be able to distribute and manage tasks.
*Task Charts—this page contains two default task chart portlets that show task counts for all tasks and for critical tasks; you can modify these default charts and you can create additional chart portlets.
*Task Email Listener Administration—this standardized page enables the user to configure a connection to an e-mail server to be used for processing replies from task notifications that contain a Task Action Link.
*Task Analytics Configuration—this standardized page enables the user to specify the URL for an installation of webMethods Broker (deprecated) or a JMS server, and to deploy event maps.
*Task Engine Administration—this standardized page displays all of the types of task currently running or available for running on My webMethods. The page enables you to enable, disable, and search for all instances of a task type, to delete a task type, to start a stand-alone task type, and view and modify the rules for a task type. This page is typically assigned to administrative users of My webMethods.
*Task Event Orchestrator Configuration - this standardized page displays all task types with date/time events, currently running or available for running on My webMethods Server. From the Task Event Orchestrator Configuration page, you can recalculate the triggering time for date/time events, or schedule automatic recalculation per task type. This page is typically assigned to My webMethods users who administer or manage tasks.
After you make these pages available to a role, you can further customize access by granting or denying specific functional privileges for each page; for more information, see About Task Type Functional Permissions.

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