webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with webMethods Business Console | Administering Business Console | Configuring Business Console with Twitter | Creating Twitter Account for Business Console
Creating Twitter Account for Business Console
To enable Business Console to interact with Twitter, Business Console administrator must first create an account in Twitter, and then provide the Twitter settings in the Administration page as specified in Configuring Business Console with Twitter.
* To create an account in Twitter
1. Stop My webMethods Server, if it is running.
2. Access the Twitter website to create a new account.
3. Download the VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3.pem certificate as mentioned in the Twitter website to a local directory.
4. Import the VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3.pem certificate to My webMethods Server.
a. Open command prompt and change directory to Software AG_directory \MWS\server\default\config\security.
b. Use the JVM's keytool command to import the Verisign certificate to the Software AG_directory \MWS\server\default\config\security directory as shown below. For information about importing certificates using the keytool command, see the Administering My webMethods Server guide.
keytool -import -keystore sagdemoca.jks -file
<path_to_the_downloaded_VeriSign_certificate_file> -alias verisignClass3
c. The command prompts you for the password for the certificate file. Type the password. By default, the password is changeit.
d. When command prompts: Trust this certificate? [no]:, type y.
5. Start My webMethods Server.

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