webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations 10.2 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | Working with webMethods Business Console | Administering Business Console | Configuring Business Console with Twitter
Configuring Business Console with Twitter
Creating Twitter Account for Business Console
Before you configure and enable the Twitter settings, make sure you have created an account in Twitter. See Creating Twitter Account for Business Console.
Provide the Twitter settings in the Administration page as specified in the table below.
Select this option to enable searching and viewing the task related posts on Twitter.
Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret
Provide the corresponding values you obtained from the Twitter website. For registering your Business Console application in the Twitter website and obtaining values for the parameters, see Creating Twitter Account for Business Console.
HTTP Proxy Host, HTTP Proxy Port, HTTP Proxy User, and HTTP Proxy Password
Provide values for these parameters, if you want to configure a proxy server for external network connection.

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