Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services : MashZone NextGen Help : Appendix : Legacy Presto components : Apps and Workspaces
Apps and Workspaces
Create a Basic App
Publishing, Managing, Sharing and Using Apps
Edit App Properties
About Desktop and Mobile Compatibility for Apps
Title Bars and Toolbar Buttons in Apps
Publish Apps to the AppDepot
Create Workspace Apps with Mashboard
Working in the MashZone NextGen Enterprise AppDepot
Managing Pending Apps in the AppDepot
About MashZone NextGen Mobile
Working in MashZone NextGen Mobile Apps
Custom Apps
Apps allow you to display or work with information from MashZone NextGen mashups or mashable information sources in many different destinations and devices. You can work with apps in the AppDepot or the MashZone NextGen Mobile apps, in MashZone NextGen Hub or in other destinations such as portals or SharePoint.
The types of apps that you may create or work with include:
*Basic Apps and Gadgets
You create basic apps from one MashZone NextGen mashup or mashable using one or more views that have been created for that mashup or mashable. Based on their views, basic apps can be used in desktop or mobile destinations. See Create a Basic App for instructions.
In most cases, basic apps display information in fairly common views such as a table, maps or charts. For apps with multiple views, events in one view also update the other views. For example, selecting a row in a table may highlight the corresponding point on a map. Basic apps can also be added to workspaces in Mashboard.
*Workspace Apps
You can also collect apps into workspaces with a particular focus or simply organize apps in a useful way. Workspaces contain one or more apps organized in a particular layout, such as a grid or separate tabs. Workspaces can also contain gadgets which wrap apps or other content from external sites such as videos or other types of media in your organization.
You can also wire interactions between apps in workspaces so that they work together, as a composition.
Wiring interactions is also known as inter-App communication. It allows events in one app, such as clicking something, to send information to other apps in the workspace that they use to update their data or perform some further action.
You create workspaces in Mashboard. See Create Workspace Apps with Mashboard for more information.
Workspaces are also apps. You can publish workspaces and then find or use them in the AppDepot, the MashZone NextGen Mobile apps or other destinations, just as you do with individual apps.
*Custom Apps
MashZone NextGen developers or administrators can also create custom apps that use MashZone NextGen mashups or mashables in custom or more complex views. They can start from basic apps and then extend them for a customized look or feel. Or they can create custom apps from scratch.
Common examples of custom apps include apps that require additional interaction, such as forms, or mashup/mashable responses that need a unique or custom look and feel.
For custom apps based on a basic app, developers create a basic app and then extend it in the App Editor. See Customize a Basic App or View for instructions.
For fully custom apps, developers start in the App Editor. See Create Fully Custom Apps in the App Editor for instructions. See also Custom Mobile App Requirements
Once you or other users have created apps, you can work them much as you do with other MashZone NextGen artifacts. You can embed them or publish them to other destinations. Or publish them to the AppDepot, for desktop access, and the MashZone NextGen Mobile apps, for mobile access. For instructions, see
*Publishing, Managing, Sharing and Using Apps
*Publish Apps to the AppDepot
*Working in the MashZone NextGen Enterprise AppDepot
*Working in MashZone NextGen Mobile Apps
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