Installing the Android SDK on Linux
If you use Linux, use this procedure to install the SDK so that you can use it with Mobile Designer.
To install the Android SDK on Linux
2. The .zip file then should be decompressed to an appropriate location. Google recommend the /opt/ folder for shared users, or /usr/local/ for the current user. Make a note of this location.
3. Whichever location is chosen, it is important that the user account that will be used to build applications has sufficient permissions to access the tools. If necessary, update with chmod and/or chown.
Note: | Commands such as chmodand chown should be used with great care. If you are unsure, consult the appropriate documentation for your operating system. |
4. Follow the instructions in Install-Linux-tar.txt file provided by Google. Make a note of your Android Studio installation folder (Google refers to this as the {installation home}), and your SDK Location (by default this will be ~/Android/Sdk).