Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : webMethods Mobile Administrator User's Guide : Getting Started with Mobile Administrator : Viewing Information on the App Store Client
Viewing Information on the App Store Client
The users can download apps onto their mobile devices either directly from a web page in the browser or by using a special app, the so-called app store client. See also Using the App Store on a Mobile Device.
Before the users can download and install the app store client, an administrator first has to build the app store client for each mobile platform on which it is to be made available. For detailed information, see Creating and Launching Build Configurations for the App Store Client.
When a user views the information on the app store client from within Mobile Administrator, the shown information depends on the user permissions:
*A normal user can only see a screen with similar information as shown for any other app in the app store (such as version number, platforms, description, screenshots, comments).
*A user with the site-level permission Manage Apps can see a screen on which all aspects of the app can be managed. For example, this user can specify a different name or icon for the app store client, or can enter a individual description and contact information. See also Managing Apps.
If you delete the app store client using the Delete button, all of your app store versions for all platforms are deleted. To restore your app store client in such a case, you have to rebuild it.
To view information on the app store client
*Click and then App Store Client.
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