Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Working with webMethods OneData MDR : Introduction to MDR : Administered Items : Administered Item Sub-Types Attributes and Child Entities
Administered Item Sub-Types Attributes and Child Entities
Classification Scheme Administered Item Sub-Type
Concept Administered Item Sub-Type
Conceptual Domain Administered Item Sub-Type
Context Administered Item Sub-Type
Data Element Administered Item Sub-Type
Data Element Concept Administered Item Sub-Type
Derivation Rule Administered Item Sub-Type
Object Class Administered Item Sub-Type
Property Administered Item Sub-Type
Representation Class Administered Item Sub-Type
Value Domain Administered Item Sub-Type
In addition to the standard set of attributes and common children that are applicable for all administered items, there are also attributes and child entities unique to certain administered item sub-types. The following tables show the type-specific attributes and child entities based on the administered items sub-type. (Child entities are in italics).
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