Key Application Areas
There are several primary functional areas intended for business users of the registry. Depending on the security privileges assigned to you, you may have access to one or more of the following areas:
Administered Items. ISO/IEC 11179 standard defines administered items as a registry item for which administrative information is recorded in an administration record. Search, browse, maintain, and create administered items. You can use the same link for submissions and registrations.
Import. Import information into the Registry from files or remote databases.
OneData has built-in import profiles that easily load data.
Registration Process. Registration and workflow status transition for metadata items through the Registry. Includes rules, privileges, and associated commands.
Glossary and Terminological Entities. View the current terminology, according to the ISO-11179 guidelines. You can enhance the glossary with organization-specific terms or interpretations of standard terms. This is available to any user with read-only privileges.
Discussion Forums and Change Requests. Send requests to add new items or other reference values; track open topics and resolutions on discussion forums.
Reference Data Maintenance. Includes general lookup table maintenance: entities such as data types, relationship types that are used by
OneData MDR, and related entities, such as registration status, and organization-specific administration item types.
Reports. Access reports from the customized Report module.
OneData creates specific reports for administered items.
Model Enhancement. Extend administered items or individual sub-types with attributes or related information. You can also customize screens to fit your business needs, for example, modify the filter criteria, screen presentation, and whether fields are required or can be edited.