Importing Administered Items with User-Defined Mappings and Attributes
Use the following procedure to import a file into administered items using user-defined Import mappings and attributes. To complete this procedure, you must already have a delimited file that contains the following columns:
Conceptual Domain Name
Data Element Concept Name (Required)
Data Element Preferred Name (Required)
Value Domain Format
Value Domain Maximum Text Length (Required if Text Field)
Value Domain Minimum Text Length
Value Domain Name (Required)
To import administered items using a custom mapping
1. Navigate to the IMPORT_MAPPING_PARAM entity.
2. Insert the following new records, using uppercase where indicated. For all records:
The table name is VALUE_DOM
PARAM_TYP - O (O for optional or user-defined mapping)
IMP_TYP - 4 (for Administered Item Import)
Acronym | Parameter | Col. Name | Int. ID |
VAL_DOM_MIN_CHAR | Value Domain Minimum Length | VAL_DOM_MIN_CHAR | 1025 |
VAL_DOM_MAX_CHAR | Value Domain Maximum Length | VAL_DOM_MAX_CHAR | 1024 |
FORMAT | Value Domain Format | VAL_DOM_FMT | 21 |
3. Navigate to the IMPORT_MAPPING_PARAM_FLTR entity.
4. Insert the following values.
Note: | Setting the Filter Column Value to 3 indicates Value Domain. |
Parameter ID/Internal ID | Filter Column Name | Filter Column Value |
21 | ADMIN_ITEM_TYP_ID | 3 |
1024 | ADMIN_ITEM_TYP_ID | 3 |
1025 | ADMIN_ITEM_TYP_ID | 3 |
5. On the Menu toolbar, click Administered Items > Import Administered Items.
6. On the Import Data screen, click Browse to select the file to be imported.
Note: | Only delimited files are supported in OneData-MDR. |
7. Complete the fields and click Next.
8. On the Mapping screen, map the columns as follows:
Import File Column | Mapping Column |
Conceptual Domain Name | Conceptual Domain Name |
Context | Context Name |
Data Element Concept Name | Data Element Concept Name |
Data Element Preferred Name | Data Element Name |
Value Domain Format | Value domain format |
Value Domain Maximum Text Length | Value Domain Max Length |
Value Domain Minimum Text Length | Value Domain Min Length |
Value Domain Name | Value Domain Name |
9. Click Import Data and add new profile to create a new Import Profile that saves the mapping for future use. Click Import.
OneData displays the import log. Data Manager displays the new values in the results grid of the Administered Items entity.