Changing the Matching Threshold
The matching thresholds are set in the following iHooks:
spAutoMatchColumnElement spManualMatchColumnElement spManualMatchColumnElementCF To modify the thresholds, you must change the default parameters.
To change the matching threshold
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Define > Configuration > Hooks.
2. Edit the low and high thresholds:
a. Click the Edit icon corresponding to iHook, spAutoMatchColumnElement.
b. In Default Parameters, set the last two values to the low and high range threshold. For example to have a low and high threshold between 50% and 90%, you would set the value as: %IN_XML%, %OUT_XML%, %MTCHG_ENGN_XML%, 10, 50, 90.
c. Click Save.
3. Repeat the previous step for spManualMatchColumnElement and spManualMatchColumnElementCF.