Administering Mediator : The Built-In Run-Time Actions : The Built-In Run-Time Actions for Virtualized APIs : Response Handling Actions
Response Handling Actions
Response Handling is the process of transforming the response message coming from the native API into the custom format as expected by the client.
*Response Transformation: Invokes an XSL transformation file in the response payloads from XML format to the format required by the client.
*Invoke webMethods Integration Server Service: Invokes a webMethods Integration Server service to process the response from the native API before it is returned to the client.
*Set Media Type: Specifies the Content type for a REST response. This action is applicable only if Enable REST Support is set in Request Handling. If a native service response (both for a REST API and SOAP API exposed as REST) does not contain a content type header, Mediator adds the content type specified here before sending the response to the client. Examples for content types: application/json and application/xml
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