Administering Mediator : The Built-In Run-Time Actions : The Built-In Run-Time Actions for Virtualized APIs
The Built-In Run-Time Actions for Virtualized APIs
Request Handling Actions
Policy Enforcement Actions
Response Handling Actions
Error Handling Action
Outbound Authentication Actions
This section provides a summary of the run-time actions you can include in the policy enforcement rules for a virtualized API. You use these actions only when you are using the CentraSite Business UI to create policy enforcement rules for virtualized APIs.
A policy enforcement rule provides run-time governance capabilities to a virtualized API. A run-time policy is a sequence of actions that are carried out by Mediator when a consumer requests a particular API through Mediator.
The actions in a policy perform activities such as identifying/authenticating consumers, validating digital signatures and capturing performance measurements. An action is a single task that is included in a policy enforcement rule and is evaluated by Mediator at run time. Actions have one or more parameters, which you configure when you insert the actions into a rule. For example, an action that identifies consumers specifies one or more identifiers to identify the consumers who are trying to access the APIs.
Following is a summary of the built-in run-time actions you can include in a policy enforcement rule.
*Request Handling Actions
*Policy Enforcement Actions
*Response Handling Actions
*Error Handling Action
*Outbound Authentication Actions
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