HTTP Client API for ActiveX Version 8.2.2
 —  HTTP Client API for ActiveX  —


The ActiveX API is a more convenient way of communicating with the Tamino XML Server than using the native HTTP protocol. The API communicates with Tamino at the HTTP protocol level.

The HTTP Client API for ActiveX consists of two independent ActiveX controls:


This ActiveX control is for accessing and manipulating XML documents in the Tamino XML Server.


This ActiveX control is for accessing and manipulating non-XML documents in the Tamino XML Server.

The API is called a client API because the applications or programs that communicate with the Tamino XML Server are clients in relation to the Tamino XML Server. The API's methods return a DOM (Document Object Model) object as a result, or require a DOM object as input. The programmer can then use standard DOM methods and interfaces to further manipulate the result or navigate through the DOM tree.

The DOM is designed to be used with any programming language. It defines the logical structure of documents and the way a document is accessed and manipulated. Using the DOM, you can build documents, navigate within their structure, and add, modify, or delete elements and content.

For more information about the DOM specification, see

By supporting the DOM specification, the API not only allows its data to be manipulated by other routines, but does so in a way that allows those manipulations to be reused with other DOMs, or to take advantage of solutions already written for those DOMs.

The DOM supported by the ActiveX API is the Microsoft DOM (MSXML).

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