
Purpose This element is used for specifying information about the total number of digits of a numeric data field (in values of datatypes derived from decimal). It indicates the maximum allowed value for the number of digits. For additional details, see the section Defining Simple Types of the Tamino XML Schema User Guide and references therein.
Parent element xs:restriction
Child elements None
Attributes fixed, value
Name Type Description
fixed xs:boolean If "true", the value of this facet must not be changed in a derived type. Default: "false".
value xs:positiveInteger The value of the value attribute specifies the total number of digits the decimal value may have.


The following example demonstrates the use of the xs:totalDigits element within a simple type definition by restriction. A simple type based on the decimal type is defined which can store decimal numbers with up to 6 digits:

  <xs:restriction base='xs:decimal'>
    <xs:totalDigits value='6'/>