inoadmin Features

This documentation covers the following topics:

Administration of Database Locations
Database Handling (create, start, stop)
Database Backups
Database Properties
Tamino Server Extensions (SXS)
Miscellaneous (setversion, etc.)

Administration of Database Locations

In order to specify physical storage on a node, the Tamino Manager uses the concept of database locations. Database locations define where the Tamino database spaces are stored. The Tamino Manager maps these database locations (which can also be thought of as logical names) to physical location paths.

Let us suppose that a database administrator has a directory called C:\Tamino Database Locations\Backups\mydbbackup, in which he plans to store backup copies of his database mydb. Using the Locations object, he can assign the database location name of mydbBackup to this directory. Once this has been done, he can administrate the files via the location name without having to remember where they are physically located.

The Tamino Manager also uses a default location: this is the location in which database spaces will automatically be created if you do not specify other locations when creating a new database. The initial setting uses a location as default location which is created during installation.



The setlocation command defines locations specified by their path as locations for specific purposes to be used by the specified database. Possible location usages are temporary, backup, log, archive, and reserved.


When specifying log locations, multiple selections are interpreted as follows: The locations will be used in the same order as in the list. Tamino will use the log locations alternately within a session when a log space switch occurs. When a new session is started, the first available location is used. In contrast, for other location types the second location will only be used when the first location cannot be written to,

Further commands are available to handle database space issues.



The adddbspace command adds new space of the types index, data and journal to an existing database in order to allow for database growth. The database to which the new database space is to be added can be either active (running) or inactive (stopped). The command can be used to create a new, separate, space of a specific kind to a database, as well as to expand an already existing space.

If the property autoexpand is enabled, Tamino allocates the needed database spaces by itself.


The movedbspace command is used to move a database space (data, index, journal or journal overflow) to a new physical location. The database that contains the space to be moved must be inactive (stopped).

For Journal Overflow Space, this is the only command that is available. Journal overflow is automatically created or extended if it is necessary, and it will also be automatically removed or decreased during server shutdown.


The removedbspace command is used to delete the most recently-added index, data or journal space from a database. The database that contains the space to be deleted must be inactive (stopped).


For further information about database spaces, please refer to the page about Administration Considerations.

Database Handling

inoadmin provides commands for starting and stopping a database identified by name, as well as a command to ask a database for its state. Furthermore, databases can be created, deleted, and renamed.

Databases are created using create. create can be used to create a new, empty, database as well as to provide an exact copy (at a given status) of an existing database, for example on another machine or when performing a database restore operation.

A database can only be created from a backup on the hardware architecture/operating system on which the backup was made.


The database name can be up to a maximum of 32 characters in length. The following characters may not be used: SPACE , ; ! \ = # . [ ] " % ' / ^ ` ? *

When you create a database using the Create Database From Backup command, Tamino creates the database in such a way that any fragmentation that might have been present in the original database is removed. The defragmentation can improve the efficiency of the database's internal indexing mechanism and also reduce the overall physical disk requirements of the database spaces.

The start command starts a dabase server identified by its name.


In general, you can only start a Tamino database on the platform on which it was created; for example, you cannot start a Tamino database on Solaris if the database was created with Tamino on Windows. This is because the format of data generally differs from one operating system to another.

The stop command stops a dabase server identified by its name.


For stopping a database server there are three different options.

The 'normal' option (default) will wait for all open transactions to be committed and thus can take a while. The 'rollback' option is ususally faster but rolls back all open transactions. In both cases, 'normal' as well as 'rollback', the database is afterwards in a consistent state concerning transactions.

This does not hold for the 'abort' option. This option is only recommended in cases where the database doesn't react to more friendly commands. The database process ends, but a memory dump is written to the server's reserved location. Also, information concerning open transactions gets logged to enable the server to reestablish a consistent state during the next server start's autorepair phase.

The state command shows the state of a dabase server identified by its name.


The delete command deletes a dabase identified by its name.


Deleting a database consists of deleting the data, any server extensions that are installed, and the settings associated with the database. A database can only be deleted if it is inactive (stopped).

Deleting a database does not delete any database locations.

The rename command renames a dabase.


When you rename a database, the default group for security (which is usually the same as the database name) is not renamed.

Database Backups

An important part of database administration is to make regular backups of your database. Database Backup and Restore functions are available from the Tamino Manager. The Backup function makes a copy of the database. The Restore function restores the database to the state it was in when you made the backup. Restore is generally executed together with a Recover process, in which all changes that were made to the database after the backup are re-applied. For this process, log files (log spaces) are used as input files. In this way, all data up to the most recently completed transaction can be restored.

The Backup function is used to make a backup copy of a database. You can make Tamino (internal) backups to disk or tape. Backing up the database to an external backup system is no longer available. Please consult you product support if this is considered.

If more than one backup is written to a tape, the existing backup will be overwritten. The savepoint of each backup will be offered in the Restore menu, but only the latest backup will be available. No warning will be issued. You should, therefore, not put more than one backup on one tape.

You can make incremental backups of a database. The first incremental backup after a full backup stores the database changes that were made since the full backup. If there are several incremental backups since the most recent full backup, each incremental backup after the first one stores the changes since the preceding incremental backup. Since in general an incremental backup is much smaller than a full backup, the time required to make an incremental backup can be considerably less than the time required to make a full backup.

Incremental backups provide a useful extension to Tamino's backup capabilities. If you decide to include incremental backups in your backup strategy, you should keep a sensible balance between incremental backups and full backups. Regular full backups should still be the central part of your strategy, and the incremental backups can be considered as a quick and safe way of protecting against data loss in the intervals between the full backups.

The following general restrictions apply for backups:

  • While the Tamino Data Loader utility is running, it is not possible to do a backup.

  • Data that has been mapped via Server Extensions will not be backed up, unless it is mapped to the same database (that is being backed up).

The inoadmin tool offers commands to create backups, restore databases from backups, see which backups exist for a certain database, and delete backups.



During the Restore/Recover step the database is in standby mode, which means that it is not possible to work with it. Hence before and after changing large amounts of data at one point in time, it is recommended to back up the database. Otherwise, the Restore/Recover step might take very long, and the database is not available for that period of time.

If you restore a database from a backup that is not the most recent backup, all of the more recent backups are set to the INVALID state. This means that they cannot be used for subsequent restore operations.


In addition to the automatic deletion of backups via Tamino's backup generation feature (defined by the property number of backup generations in the server properties), you can also delete single backups that are no longer required with the deletebackup command. Deleting a backup removes all of the backup spaces that are associated with it, but the associated log information is not removed, since it may subsequently be required if the database has to be recovered.

For the deletion of backups the following restrictions apply when using incremental backups:

  • If you delete a full backup, Tamino automatically also deletes all subsequent incremental backups that are based on this full backup.

  • You cannot select an incremental backup for deletion.


For further information about backup and restore policies, please refer to the Backup Guide.

Database Properties

You can use inoadmin to display information about and modify database properties. These properties are divided into 4 groups:

Server properties
XML properties
Port properties

The following sections provide information about the properties in each group and give instructions on how to display and modify.

The word "yes" in the column "Dynamic" in the following tables indicates that changes to the property value become effective immediately, even if the Tamino server is active. The word "no" indicates a non-dynamic property, which means that the changes only become effective if you stop and restart the database.

Server Properties

Name Dynamic Allowed Values Default Value Description Additional Information
auto expand yes yes, no yes This switch controls whether the Tamino server is allowed to allocate or extend database spaces (data, journal or index) on its own.
  • Tamino first tries to expand an existing space. If this fails, new space will be allocated in the defined reserved location

  • If no free space is available, an error will be returned, depending on the operation performed

autostart no yes, no no If this switch is set to "yes", the database will be started automatically when the computer starts as well as after its creation.  
buffer pool size no

5 - 65536

Computed on the basis of the database profile

This is the size of the buffer pool of the Tamino server in MB. The maximum value that you can specify for this property is 65536 MB). However, in practice, the usable buffer pool size reduces to a lower amount, depending on the machine configuration and the Tamino version used.

  • Recommendation: as big as the biggest index

  • Should not be bigger than the physical memory in order to avoid swapping

flush limit yes

0 - 45875

0 The size in MB of the modified buffer pool space that triggers a flush (disk write) of the modifications present in the buffer pool. Minimum for flush limit is 1 MB. Setting the flush limit to 0 is also allowed: If this value is set to 0, Tamino will adjust the flush limit itself. If a value higher than 70 % of the buffer pool size is configured, the server will internally recalculate the flush limit to 70 % of the buffer pool size, and a warning will be issued during each server startup.
dynamic pool size no 500 - 61440 500 This is the size in KB of the Tamino server's internal dynamic working pool.
  • Keeps result sets

  • Support for sorting

  • If this value is too small, swapping will occur which leads to increased I/O

maximum transaction duration yes 20 - 2592000 300 This is the maximum transaction duration in seconds. This time includes the time for all command processing, including query. Tamino will terminate and roll back transactions that last longer.
non-activity timeout yes 20 - 2592000 900 The maximum timespan (in seconds) that a user is allowed to be inactive before the Tamino server rolls back pending user transactions. The non-activity timeout is also used as a communications timeout to the Tamino client. For this purpose, the timeout value used is never greater than 600 seconds.
replication delay yes 1 - 65535 5 The interval (in seconds) at which the replication databases defined for a master database are updated. The property is set for the master database and applies to all replication databases that are defined for that master database. Decreasing the value of this property increases the processing overheads associated with more frequent calls for log space data by the replication databases.
flush group size yes 0 - 5000 0 This property specifies the number of I/Os issued in parallel in a buffer flush. If 0 is specified, the system default is used.  
number of backup generations yes 1 - (232 -1) 5

The number of full backups that Tamino will keep in parallel. When this number is exceeded, the oldest backup and the corresponding log spaces will be deleted.

Backup generations refer to full backups only, not incremental backups.

read only no yes, no no The database is read only. No insert, update or delete operations are possible. Database cannot be deleted when this property is set to "yes".
tolerate autorepair errors no yes, no yes If this is set to yes, errors that occur during the autorepair of the Tamino server after an abnormal termination will be tolerated rather than leading to a refusal to start. The indexes or doctypes concerned will be disabled. A disabled index can be fixed using the Check and Repair command in the Tamino Manager
server host name no   none This defines the host name part for the Tamino Server's registration with XTS.
  • The Tamino server cannot be contacted from other nodes via XTS. Instead, applications on other nodes will look for the server on their node.

  • This setting can be used on portable devices to ensure that an interruption of network connections does not cause any problems with administrating and communicating with the Tamino server.

  • Max. length=255

communication method no SSL and TCP/IP, SSL, XTS and TCP/IP, XTS, TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS XTS and TCP/IP This defines which standard method Tamino uses for communication.

If TCP/IP is used in combination with XTS or SSL, XML requests can be sent to the server via XTS and TCP/IP. (Note that using SSL requires a special certificate)

If XTS or SSL are used, the XML port is not allocated and XML requests can only be sent via XTS.

If TCP/IP is used, the XML XTS port is not allocated and XML requests can only be sent via TCP/IP.

If HTTP or HTTPS is used, property HTTP port must be set.

SSL certificate file no max. length 1023 none Specifies the file name of the server's certificate.  
SSL key file no max. length 1023 none Specifies the file name of the server's key. Optional. The key can also be included in the certificate file.
SSL password no max. length 1023 none Holds the pass phrase of the server's SSL key. Optional. Used to decrypt the file specified in SSL key file, if this file is encrypted.
SSL CA file no max. length 1023 none Specifes the file name of the trust file To be used for certificate base authentication and encryption
SSL certificate chain verification depth no 1023 1 Specifes the maximum depth of chained certificate evaluation  
SSL verify_client no yes, no no Indicates whether the client is to be authenticated by the Tamino server via SSL  
deprecated features yes tolerate, log, log and reject log Specifies how Tamino reacts to the usage of deprecated features. It can react by executing the request and writing an error to the session's job log (log), by additionally rejecting the request which uses the deprecated feature (log and reject), or by silently executing the request (tolerate).  
unbuffered no none, all, database, journal none This property specifies which parts of a Tamino database are handled with unbuffered I/O. The property usually increases I/O times but removes the need for synchronization on devices. value database: means data spaces and index spaces in this context
overwrite XTS registration no yes, no no This switch controls whether the Tamino server should remove existing XTS directory service entries for the server and create new entries during startup. Before setting this value to "yes", check that no database with the same name is active on another node, using the same XTS directory server. You would disable any client communication with such a database.
incremental backup yes yes, no no This switch controls whether an incremental backup can be made for the database.  

XML Properties

Name Dynamic Allowed Values Default Value Description Additional Information
XQuery document cache size yes   20 Specifies the capacity of the document cache that is used for XQuery processing. Document caching improves the performance of certain queries like join queries where the sorting is done via an index. Also certain XQuery update statements can benefit from a big document cache. The capacity of the XQuery document cache is specified in MB.
word fragment index no yes, no no If this is set to yes, a word fragment index is maintained.

Maintaining a word fragment index can be very time- and resource-intensive, but will increase performance for certain query types.

For read-only databases (e.g. replication databases), the word fragment index parameter is displayed, but cannot be modified.

XML maximum sessions no 0 - 100000 100 The maximum number of XML sessions that can be open at the same time. A sessionless request counts as a session for the execution time.
XML max simultaneous requests no 150 - 10000 0 Specifies the size of the queue of free XML request entries and therefore limits the maximum numbers of simultaneous requests that can be accepted by the Tamino Server. The default value (0) means that the actual value of the property is computed by Tamino at startup time. The value for a database with default settings is 157 (100 + XML work threads + XML dynamic work threads + 2).
XML work threads no 1 - 1024 5 The number of threads used to process XML commands. Requests are queued if there are no XML work threads available.
X-Node default encoding no supported encoding ISO-8859-1 The encoding that external data sources which are accessed by Tamino use for their data. Can be overwritten within the schema definition where the mapping is specified.
X-Node default password no Character string (max. 128 characters) guest The password used for ODBC connections if no other password is specified. Can be overwritten within the schema definition where the mapping is specified.
X-Node default user no Character string (max. 128 characters) guest The user-ID used for ODBC connections if no other user ID is specified. Can be overwritten within the schema definition where the mapping is specified.
default tokenizer no white space-separated, Japanese white space-separated Specifies the component that is used to break strings into words.  
default encoding no Encoding names (see list box)specified in the IANA registry ISO-8859-1 Specifies the encoding used for responses from Tamino if no explicit encoding is requested.  
XML document default encoding no UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 UTF-8 Specifies the encoding that is assumed for a received document if the encoding is not specified otherwise.  
stemming index no yes, no no Specifies whether or not a stemming index is maintained. A stemming index speeds up text retrieval operations that use stemming functionality. For read-only databases, the stemming index parameter is displayed, but cannot be modified.
markup as delimiter no yes, no, mixed no Specifies how markup is treated. If set to "yes", markup is treated as a delimiter for text (i.e. markup is handled like white space). If set to "mixed", markup is not treated as a delimiter in mixed-content elements. If you change this property, it is necessary to recreate all text indexes.
authentication no web server, tamino, none web server Specifies whether authentication is performed by the web server, by Tamino, or not at all. Please refer to the section Tamino Authentication for further information about this property.
XML maximum request duration yes 20 - 2592000 300 The maximum duration of each request is limited to the specified number of seconds. After this period, the request terminates with an error, but the transaction is not rolled back.
queue next request yes yes, no yes Specifies whether a subsequent request in a session is allowed even if the result of the previous request has not been completely processed. If set to "yes", a subsequent request in a session is allowed while the previous request is still active. If set to "no", a subsequent request in a session is not allowed if the previous request is still active.  
reject xsi:type no yes, no yes Rejects xsi:type attribute in element validation.  
text index word length no 32-250 64 Specifies the maximum length for text index entries.  
XML text index type no single word, double word double word Specifies if a text query may contain one or two words (single-word index or double-word index). Usage of three or more word queries cannot be an indexed search, thus resulting in low performance.
request log folder no - - This is the folder/directory where XML request log files are stored. The default folder for the request log is the reserved location, if no request log folder is specified.
request log yes off, full, requests off This property specifies whether requests to Tamino are logged to a file. Logging can be restricted to the pure request (requests), or the requests with all data sent to Tamino (full). The default is that no logging is performed (off).  
request log file count no 0 - 999 2 This is the maximum number of XML request log files written. If 0 is specified, XML request logging is turned off.  
request log file maximum size no 0 - 2997152 1 This is the maximum size of an XML request log file (in MB). If this size is reached, Tamino switches to a new request log file. If the last log file is full, Tamino switches to the first one.  

Port Properties

Port numbers should only be changed if there is a special reason to do so. Otherwise, it is recommended to take the default, as Tamino handles port allocation dynamically.

Name Dynamic Allowed Values Default Value Description Additional Information
replication port no 0 or 1024 - 65535 0 (dynamic allocation) The number of the port used for access to the Tamino server for replication databases

Only used by replication databases.

A value of 0 means that the port number is allocated dynamically at database startup. If you do not use the value 0, the number

  • should be taken from the range of static port numbers defined during installation

  • should be changed if there are conflicts with other applications

XML port no 0 or 1024 - 65535 default from static port range The number of the port used for XML access to the Tamino server via pure TCP/IP

A value of 0 means that the port number is allocated automatically. If you do not use the value 0, the number

  • should be taken from the range of static port numbers defined during installation

  • should be changed if there are conflicts with other applications

administration port no 0 or 1024 - 65535 0 (dynamic allocation) The number of the port used for access to the Tamino server for all administration actions

A value of 0 means that the port number is allocated dynamically at database startup. If you do not use the value 0, the number

  • should be taken from the range of static port numbers defined during installation

  • should be changed if there are conflicts with other applications

XML XTS port no 0 or 1024 - 65535 0 (dynamic allocation) The number of the port used for XML access to the Tamino server when using Software AG's extended transport service for XML access, including encrypted communication via SSL.

A value of 0 means that the port number is allocated dynamically at database startup. If you do not use the value 0, the number

  • should be taken from the range of static port numbers defined during installation

  • should be changed if there are conflicts with other applications

HTTP port no 0 or 1024 - 65535 default from static port range The number of the port used for XML access to the Tamino server when using native HTTP or HTTPS communication.

A value of 0 means that the port number is allocated automatically. If you do not use the value 0, the number

  • • should be taken from the range of static port numbers defined during installation

  • • should be changed if there are conflicts with other applications

X-Tension Properties

Name Dynamic Allowed Values Default Value Description Additional Information
X-Tension Java Options no Character string (max. 255 characters) none This is used to specify optional properties for the JVM that is started when X-Tension Java usage is turned on. The syntax of the string is as follows: The first character of the string serves as the delimiter for the options that follow. For example: ?opt1?opt2?opt3 results in the options opt1, opt2 and opt3.
X-Tension Java usage no yes, no yes If this switch is set to yes, the X-Tension Java infrastructure is enabled. If this switch is set to no, Java-based X-Tensions cannot be installed, modified, upgraded or executed, even if they were installed before the switch was set to no.  
X-Tension COM usage no yes, no yes If this switch is set to yes, the X-Tension COM infrastructure is enabled. If this switch is set to no, COM X-Tensions cannot be installed, modified, upgraded or executed, even if they were installed before the switch was set to no.  
X-Tension direct usage no yes, no yes If this switch is set to yes, the X-Tension Direct infrastructure is enabled. If this switch is set to no, Direct X-Tensions cannot be installed, modified, upgraded or executed, even if they were installed before the switch was set to no.  





You can use inoadmin to create and manage replication databases.

The first step in creating a replication database is to create an exact copy (slave) of the database to be replicated (master) from the most recent backup of that database. To do so, you first have to create a database from a (non-initial) backup of your current database. For further information about creating a database from a backup, please refer to the section Database Backups.

Do not start a replication database before you have performed "inoadmin setreplication".

Once the database has been created from backup, its name has to be added to the list of permitted replication databases for the master database. A master database can have one or more replication databases. The database to which the replication database name is to be added must be active (running).

The allowreplication command adds a replication database to a master database.


It is possible to enter the name of a replication database that has not yet been created from backup, but will be in the future. Thus, you can create a "pool" of replication database names to be used at a later point in time, so that you do not have to repeat this step each time a new replication database is to be created.

The first time you add an entry to the list it is not necessary to restart the master database.

Once the name of the replication database has been added to the master database, the replication database must be set as a replication database. This is done with the setreplication command.


The replication database must be inactive (stopped).

Further commands are provided to obtain information about the current status of a database w.r.t. replication, to switch a replication database back again to a non-replication database, and to drop a database from a list of a master's possible replication databases.


If, for any reason, the master database is lost, you can reset the replication database to a normal database, which can then be used as a substitute for the lost master. The replication database to be reset must be inactive (stopped).


Once you have reset a replication database, replication cannot be continued.


For further information about database replication and when to use it, please refer to the section Replication Guide.

Tamino Server Extensions (SXS)

You can use inoadmin to administer Tamino Server Extensions. Commands are provided for obtaining information upon currently installed server extensions and installing and uninstalling extensions.




For further information about server extensions and how to use them, please refer to the section X-Tension: Tamino Server Extensions.



The commands concerning database requests allow to show the requests that are currently running against Tamino, and to stop a specific requests.



You can use the setversion command to change the version of a database when you upgrade/downgrade from one version of Tamino to another. This means that databases created with earlier versions of Tamino can still be used with subsequent versions.


It is highly recommended only to use the setversion command when the database is stopped and no other administration actions are in progress (for example, recovery). The database should generally be started immediately after setversion, so that standard automatic re-initialization steps can be carried out. It is also recommended to back up a database after a successful downgrade, otherwise a complete restore/repair will no longer be possible.

The authentication mode of the database needs to be set to "none" before a database can be upgraded via setversion. For more information see section Authentication Modes.