Process Engine 10.11 | Process Engine-Related Run-Time Items | Generated Process Model Triggers | Trigger Details
Trigger Details
When a process model version is generated, the Integration Server package created by Designer contains the following triggers for each logical server to which steps are assigned in the process model version:
*Subscription triggers. Designer uses these to manage external input document subscriptions for all versions of the process model. There is exactly one subscription trigger for each version of the process model for each logical server defined to the process model.
Note that the subscription document structure must be the same for each version of the process model (unless the model was generated to use JMS triggers). If you change the subscription document for a new process model version, your subscriptions will fail to work correctly for older versions of the process model (unless JMS triggers are used).
Subscription triggers are also used to define retry behavior for intermediate receive steps; for more information, see the topic “Correlation Behavior with Non-starting Receive Tasks” in the webMethods BPM Process Development Help.
*Transition triggers. Designer generates a transition trigger for each version of the process model to process internal transition documents. There is exactly one transition trigger for each version of the process model for each logical server defined to the process model. Each process transition document contains the process model ID, the process model version number, the instance ID, the step ID and outputs from the step that produced the document, the step ID for the next step to run, and the source server ID.
JMS trigger generation is available for subscription and transition triggers. In earlier releases, both of these triggers used the same JMS connection alias, PE_NONTRANSACTIONAL_ALIAS. With version 9.0 and later, you can pick a connection alias of your own choosing for message events. This will result in the subscription trigger using the selected alias, but the transition trigger will still use the PE_NONTRANSACTIONAL_ALIAS alias. For additional information, see About Process Engine and JMS Connection Aliases, below.
Process Engine also uses the following additional triggers:
*Broadcast trigger. This trigger handles broadcast events to other nodes.
*Restart trigger. This trigger is used only when webMethods Monitor generates a resubmit request.
These two triggers require you create two specific JMS topics, as described in Configuring Process Engine for Universal Messaging .