Process Engine 10.11 | Configuring and Monitoring the Process Engine | Configuring Process Engine to Work with Universal Messaging | Configuring Process Engine for Universal Messaging
Configuring Process Engine for Universal Messaging
In addition to this procedure, you must also configure Integration Server to work with Universal Messaging. For more information, see the PDF publication webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
For additional information, see the JNDI Integration procedures in the Universal Messaging documentation.
*To configure Process Engine to use Universal Messaging
1. Start the Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager: Software AG > Administration > Universal Messaging Administration > umserver > Enterprise Manager.
2. In the left-hand navigation area, click Realms > umserver and click the JNDI tab.
You may have to click the Apply button on the JNDI tab to populate the Namespace area.
To create a connection factory:
a. In the Namespace area, right-click Connection Factories.
b. Click New Connection Factory (Shared Durable).
Use the Shared Durable setting for both an Integration Server cluster and for a single Integration Server.
c. Type local_um as the connection factory name.
d. Click OK.
3. Review security privileges.
By default, full privileges are assigned for Everyone. If you want to maintain limited access, you can instead set the privileges to the OS user and system that the Integration Server is running on. For example, if Integration Server is running on server1 under OS user wmuser, set the privileges to wmuser@server1 instead of Everyone.
a. In the left-hand navigation panel, click Realms > umserver > PEBroadcastTopic and click the ACL tab.
b. Review and modify the security privileges as required.
c. In the left-hand navigation panel, click Realms > umserver > PERestartTopic and click the ACL tab.
d. Review and modify the security privileges as required.